Leading with"Republican People’s Party": President’s messages "At the military academy" Emphasis on the political leadership’s support for new generations

Ayyad Rizk, member of the Plan and Budget Committee of the Central Secretariat of the Republican People’s Party, appreciated President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s visit to the Military Academy this morning, and his speech to the academy’s students, in which he urged them on the importance of awareness and interest in science and following the ongoing developments taking place in the international arena. The conflicts and challenges that are happening in the region threaten the security and stability of everyone, which places on everyone the need to bear responsibility as they are the leaders of the future and the shield of the nation that protects it from the oppression and machinations of lurkers.
Rizk confirmed in a statement today that the interest of the political leadership and President Sisi’s keenness to point out what is happening in Gaza and the suffering of the Palestinian people at every occasion and event is confirmation that the Palestinian issue is a top priority for the Egyptian state and has not and will not He was absent from it despite all the difficult challenges, current circumstances and crises that the world is suffering from as a result of regional and international conflicts.
A member of the Plan and Budget Committee of the Central Secretariat of the Republican People’s Party explained that President Sisi’s visit His messages to the academy students confirm the political leadership’s continued support for the new generations, as they are the engine of comprehensive development and the security and safety of the future of this country. He pointed out that the president’s presence next to the children of military colleges and academies represents a morale boost and a great motivation to assume major responsibilities in the future, and supports efforts to instill patriotism. And loyalty in their souls.
Ayad Rizk pointed out that President Sisi’s messages also reflect the importance of the commitment of the heroes of our valiant armed forces to protecting Egyptian national security and standing united in the face of… Any threats, not only through military qualification, but also through learning, awareness, and continuous training to graduate qualified generations capable of facing the challenges of the future in all their possible forms, especially in light of the great technological development that the world is witnessing.
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