Disney+ has released the trailer for “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew,” a coming-of-age television series starring Jude Law that will debut on December 3. The show follows four kids — played by Ravi Cabot-Conyers, Kyriana Kratter, Robert Timothy Smith and Ryan Kiera Armstrong — who make a strange discovery on their planet that they believe is a lost Jedi temple, but instead appears to be a crashed starship. The kids get lost in the galaxy and find themselves on an adventure, where they encounter Law’s character, Jod Na Nawood, a mysterious figure who can command the Force — but may not be all that he appears.
Law presented the trailer on Friday during Disney’s presentation of its upcoming slate at the D23 Expo. The actor called the series “a timeless adventure story in the spirit of the Amblin coming-of-age stories of the ’80s like ‘Goonies’ and ‘E.T,’” and the trailer definitely evokes the light-drenched, Spielbergian awe of those movies.
At the 2022 Star Wars Celebration, Dave Filoni emphasized that, while the show centers around a group of kids, it’s not just for kids.
“They like to say it’s as much for kids as ‘Clone Wars,’ and I’m like ‘Well, we cut people’s heads off in ‘Clone Wars,’ so I’m not sure if that’s the measurement you’re looking for,” Filoni joked. “Star Wars is for kids anyway, we’re all big kids, I loved it since I was a kid and I’m still gonna love it when I’m much older.”
During this year’s Star Wars Celebration, Law echoed a similar sentiment when asked what it was like joining the “Star Wars” galaxy. “Wow, how to sum that up,” Law said. “Honestly, I was like 6 years old when this galaxy, this world gripped me, blew my mind. And I feel like I’ve been in preparation ever since, so it was a breeze! It was a total pleasure.”
Jon Watts and Chris Ford of “Spider-Man: Homecoming” created the series and will executive produce the show with current kings of the galaxy Filoni and Jon Favreau.
Directors of the series include Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, the Oscar-winning filmmakers of “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” along with David Lowery, Jake Schreier, Bryce Dallas Howard and Lee Isaac Chung.
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- Source of information and images “variety ““