At D23 Brazil, Disney and 20th Century Animation announced that Ice Age 6 is happening. The original franchise was created by Blue Sky Animation studios which Disney acquired through the 20th Century Fox merger, soon shuttering the Oscar-winning division.
Original castmembers Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Queen Latifah, Denis Leary, and Simon Pegg are returning. The pic is currently being made.
Still TBD if the sequel opens in cinemas. Through five movies, the Ice Age pics grossed $3.2 billion, but like all movies the weight of gravity weighs down at the box office with each sequel, the last movie, Collision Course making $408.5M.
There were various short pics and series starring the woolly mammoth, sloth, saber-tooth tiger and pre-historic animals. There was the 2022 spinoff, The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild.
This Ice Age is the first pic in the franchise since Disney bought Blue Sky.
The first Ice Age was released in 2002 and co-directed by Chris Wedge and Carlos Saldanha. The movie was co-written by Michael Berg, Michael J. Wilson and Peter Ackerman. The movie made $383.3M at the global box office. The highest grossing Ice Age movie was third, 2009’s Dawn of the Dinosaurs, which made over $886M worldwide.
Blue Sky was founded in 1987, by Wedge, Michael Ferraro, Carl Ludwig, Alison Brown, David Brown, and Eugene Troubetzkoy. The studio’s final film under Disney was Spies in Disguise which made just under $172M. Their final film, the LGBTQ+ themed Nimona was saved by Annapurna and distributed by Netflix, earning an Oscar Nom for Best Animated Feature earlier this year.
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