Life Style

How to Make Sure Your Spring Cleaning Really Sticks

Got big dreams for spring cleaning, but know deep down in your heart of hearts you’ll just end up going back to old habits? Same.

Fortunately, there are people out there who thrive on organizing the chaos. Kimberly Stewart, founder of The Realm by Kimberly Stewart, is one of them. That’s why we reached out for tips on how to get started organizing and, most importantly, how to stick with it.

“Staying consistent isn’t easy. It’s a choice,” she tells us. “But wanting to and trying is a mindset that we always like to instill and remind ourselves and our clients of. It starts with wanting to make a change and making small changes that set you up for success!”

Below, Kimberly shares her top tips.

1. Start with a purge.

“When it comes to your home, we always love to start with a good purge, followed by a deep clean,” Kimberly shares. “It allows you to take a mental inventory of everything you own, what you use, and anything special that you want to keep. It’s also the time to let go of anything you have outgrown or that no longer serves its purpose.”

2. Give everything a home.

“Once we categorize everything we want to keep, we find a home for those pieces, whether it’s designated drawers, closet space, etc.,” she says. “We find bins extremely helpful as they create a home for objects to live in, reminding you that it has a place to be returned to. Having a place for objects keeps you consistent.”

3. Stay true to your style.

“We’re minimalists at The Realm, so less is always better for us. Keeping things aesthetic is a huge incentive to keep things tidy. Stick with organizing materials that speak to your personal style and make you feel proud if they’re displayed or put away,” Kimberly recommends. “Glass, wood, black and white, natural fibers, or whatever you’re drawn to. 

We find that our clients keep up with their organization because it simplifies their life, makes things easy to find, looks beautiful, and they’re proud of it. If you’re proud of something, you naturally put in the effort to keep it that way, and this helps you stay consistent with your routine.

4. Ditch the clutter.

“Eliminating clutter and purging makes you mindful of what you bring back or allow in your personal space. I think seeing the items that are not being used or are expired is a huge wake-up call,” she shares. “It is truly eye-opening because people want to leave a minimal footprint and not view themselves as being wasteful. You let go of something. Maybe you’ll replace it when needed, or you’ll see you’re OK without it. Instilling mindfulness certainly helps keep you consistent.”

5. Use color coding.

“When it comes to closets, we find color coding from light to dark and short to long lengths visually allows you to take inventory of everything you own. And it helps you put pieces back once worn,” she says. “Setting up systems that make items easy to put away while being used consistently is the goal.”

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  • Source of information and images “poosh

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