Health and Wellness

How a trip to your local park could put you at risk of terrifying parasite that BLINDS you – here’s how to avoid it

An alarming report has highlighted the risk posed by a vision robbing parasite that could be lurking in your local park.  

Analysis of soil samples from parks in Dublin, Ireland found park entrances were the most heavily contaminated by roundworm eggs, followed by children’s playgrounds. 

Roundworms commonly inhabit the digestive systems of cats, dogs and foxes with millions of microscopic eggs shed every time they defecate. 

From there they enter the soil and if humans touch this, and then their mouths or food without washing their hands, they run risk of catching the parasite themselves. 

Whilst most roundworm infections are mild, in rare cases the tiny eggs can enter the bloodstream and make their way to the eye.

Once there the roundworms can damage the eye upon hatching and, if left untreated, cause blindness. 

Patients can also experience breathing difficulties if eggs hatch in the lungs.  

In the study, scientists collected multiples samples from 12 parks in Dublin and tested them for roundworm, scientifically known as Toxocara, eggs.

Roundworms commonly inhabit the digestive systems of cats, dogs and foxes with millions of microscopic eggs shed every time they defecate. Stock image

A specific focus of their study was to assess if particular areas of parks, like gates, playgrounds, sport fields or seating areas, were had higher concentrations of eggs than others. 

Publishing the results of the analysis in the journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, they found park entrances were by far the most heavily contaminated, beating every other location.

Whilst unable to directly confirm why this was the case, the authors said that, anecdotally, many dog owners reported their prized pooches often defecate the moment they reach the park.

This led the authors to theorise it was this concentration of dog faeces that made entrances such a hotbed of roundworm eggs. 

But experts were initially puzzled why playgrounds, which are commonly fenced off from dogs, were the second most contaminated area.

However, they noted that during their sample collection they had directly witnessed dog owners with puppies in fenced off playgrounds despite signage stating ‘no dogs allowed’ on multiple occasions. 

This, they suggested, pointed to ‘puppies as likely contamination culprits’. 

The authors concluded that research assessing the effectiveness of anti-dog fouling measures like signs and dedicated bins should now be conducted in a bid to reduce roundworm contamination. 

Whilst most roundworm infections are mild, in rare cases the tiny eggs can enter the bloodstream and make their way to the eye where they can cause serious problems

Whilst most roundworm infections are mild, in rare cases the tiny eggs can enter the bloodstream and make their way to the eye where they can cause serious problems 

‘Park entrances had the most Toxocara eggs, and most of these eggs likely came from dogs. By providing signage, bins and a means to clean up after your dog in these locations, we could reduce the level of contamination. That’s the next step in the research,’ they said.

Previous research, conducted in both Ireland and the UK, suggests British parks are also commonly infected with roundworm eggs, suggesting gates and playgrounds will also be similar infection hot spots. 

Estimates on how many cases of roundworm eye infections occur in the UK each year vary. 

Studies from the 90s suggest about 50 such cases are recorded per year, mostly in very young children. 

Research on the prevalence of roundworm infection have produced varied, with estimates ranging from 1 to 4 per cent.

The NHS says roundworms cannot be caught from fresh animal faeces as it takes time for the eggs to develop, meaning owners shouldn’t be put off cleaning up after their pet.

Most patients infected by roundworms show no symptoms unless the parasites reach sensitive locations like the eye or lungs. 

Signs of an eye infection include eye pain or redness, changes to vision such as seeing small dots or lines or flashes of light, or vision loss typically in one eye. 

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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