Horrifying moment thrill-seeker is killed instantly in failed attempt to somersault over a raging bull during traditional festival

This is the horrific moment a man was killed instantly during a failed attempt to jump over a raging bull.
Thrill-seeker Jhon Mario Puello Caballero ran straight towards the animal’s head to try and fly over it at a traditional event in Bolivar, Colombia on November 12.
But instead, he took a strong blow from the bull’s head as it tried to throw him off.
Several men can be seen in the clip provoking the animal with bright red and yellow flags as a large crowd watches on.
However, their chants of encouragement quickly turn to screams of horror as Caballero is killed in front of them.
One man, holding a yellow flag, can be seen throwing it to the side as he makes a dash to get out of the dangerous situation.
Other people come rushing from the side of the ring to drag the Caballero’s body off the field.
Seconds later, they quickly drop him and run out of view, as the bull appears to turn on them.
Thrill-seeker Jhon Mario Puello Caballero ran straight towards the animal’s head to try and fly over it at a traditional event in Bolivar, Columbia on November 12

The man took a strong blow from the bull’s head after it tried to toss him off

Pictured: The bullfighter’s body was left in the middle of the field after the horror incident
The victim, who was also known by the moniker ‘The Shadow’, is later picked up again and carried away, while other participants continue to fight the bull.
Local press reports that Caballero, who hailed from Mahates, Bolivar and often performed as a flag bearer, died instantly upon impact.
The incident is the latest in a series of horror injuries and deaths that have occurred at bullfighting events this year.
In Spain, a man was impaled on the horns of a raging bull after trying to play hide and seek with it in September.
The one-and-a-half ton beast had just been released for a bull running event in Spain when it gored the festivalgoer.
The bull impaled the man’s torso and tossed him in the air after he tried to sneak around a pillar and play with it.
He was also tramped by the bull after he slipped while trying to dodge it.
Other festival goers who had sought cover on top of concrete columns watched on in horror.
They can be seen desperately waving jackets and colourful makeshift matador capes to try and distract the animal.

A man was impaled on the horns of a raging bull after trying to play hide and seek with it in Spain

The bull impaled the man’s torso and tossed him in the air after he tried to sneak around a pillar and play with it
The incident occurred at an event in Tordesillas, Valladolid, where locals release a single bull for a run through the town before it is herded into a meadow.
Meanwhile, in Valencia, a 64-year-old man was gored in the scrotum at a bull running event in La Vall d’Uixó, north-east of Valencia.
The bull had just been released from its pen when it charged towards the man at breakneck speed.
Before the man had a chance to react, the bull picked him up with one of its horns from the other side of a metal barrier.
The man was then held in the air for several seconds before the bull dumped him on the ground in front of shocked onlookers.
The victim, identified only as F.M.N, suffered entry and exit wounds around his groin area and was taken to hospital for treatment.
An onsite medical team, as well as two doctors who were there as spectators, gave the man first aid.