Health: The Governance Team takes immediate action for the benefit of patients at Hawamdiya General Hospital

The Ministry of Health and Population has completed the implementation of the third phase of the field traffic campaign on medical facilities in all governorates, in implementation of the directives of Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population, in an effort to communicate directly with citizens, raise the efficiency of medical facilities and provide medical service. quality, monitor any deficiencies in the level of service, and take corrective measures on the job.
Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, said: The third phase of the field traffic campaign that targeted Giza Governorate included the governance and internal audit team’s visit to Hawamdiya General Hospital, explaining that the team inspected the reception departments, outpatient clinics, radiology department, internal department, and intensive care, to check on the health status of the patients. Go through an inspection of the sterilization department and the waste room, to ensure the application of infection control standards and the safe disposal of medical waste.
He added. «Abdul Ghaffar» It is noted that there are 7 broken elevators. The efficiency of 2 of them has been upgraded, and the rest of the elevators have been tested, and the approval of the competent authorities has been awaited. Communication has been made to quickly repair the faults. It is also noted that the catheter device has been broken since November 11, 2024, and the directorate has been contacted to speed up the repair, with confirmation. To carry out periodic maintenance on the devices at the scheduled times.
He continued. «Abdul Ghaffar» By passing through the reception department, you notice an overcrowding of patients, and it was recommended to quickly complete the development work and raise efficiency in the old reception department, to increase beds and accommodate patients, and coordination was also made with the urgent care department and medical equipment to quickly provide the department’s needs and operate it after the development, adding that it was found There were some shortages of medicines and medical supplies, and communication was made with the competent authorities to quickly supply the hospital with the shortages of medicines.
He continued. «Abdul Ghaffar» It is noted that patient data is recorded incorrectly in the critical results register and the blood transfusion register in the kidney, incubation, and intensive care departments. The workers were trained during the visit on good medical recording in the medical records. It also notes the medical team’s lack of familiarity with the new quality standards, and the lack of commitment to wearing personal condoms. And due to the lack of safe disposal of waste, the directorate was contacted to retrain workers on quality standards and infection control.
He continued. «Abdul Ghaffar» The team completed its tour of the Hawamdiya Health Administration, passing by the “Umm Khanan” unit. While passing by, it was noticed that there were expired supplies, medicines, and files inside a parking garage in front of the unit. A committee was immediately formed by the director of the health department, inventoried and counted all items, made a case report, contacted the directorate, and referred those responsible for investigation.
He pointed out that while passing by, you noticed the presence of an “Ultra Sonic” device. of donations in the physical therapy room, unused and occupied in the room. Upon examination, it was found that the device was working. The director of the department was directed to re-enter the device for service and use it. It was found that the data had been recorded in the private records incorrectly. The basic care officials in the department were directed to retrain the unit’s medical team on The basics of medical registration and permanent follow-up.
The official spokesman pointed out that the team concluded its tour of the Hawamdiya Health Administration by passing by the “Sheikh” unit. Atman » While passing by, you notice that the referral is not activated, as you notice that a patient with high blood pressure was admitted and given medications in the emergency room, and he was discharged despite the continued high blood pressure, and there was no referral to the hospital, and basic care officials were assigned to the administration to retrain doctors on referrals and review the cases that are examined in the emergency.  ;
He added that he noticed an increase in the number of dentists beyond the unit’s need, as the director of the unit, and the supervision of the dental department in the administration, were directed to redistribute them. In the places most in need, you will also notice that there are some incomplete files, and the file official has been directed to create a complete management plan to improve the complete completion of files and the correct recording of the medical registration.
“Abdul Ghaffar” mentioned: The passage was carried out in cooperation with the relevant sectors in the Ministry, and with the participation of the therapeutic sector, the pharmacy department, family planning, infection control, and projects, to take immediate measures to improve the services provided to citizens.