Health: Issuing 349 thousand treatment decisions at the state’s expense during January at a cost of 2.4 billion pounds

The Ministry of Health and Population announced the issuance of 349,825 treatment decisions at the expense of the state during the month of January, at a total cost of 2 billion, 446 million and 545 thousand pounds, in implementation of the directives of President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi, aimed at reducing the burdens on citizens and facilitating their access to comprehensive health care . Medical specialties, most notably blood diseases, tumors, surgery, gynecology, internal, nose, ear, bones, urinary tract, skin and neurological diseases. For the directives of Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population, to facilitate the procedures for patients to obtain medical and therapeutic services without the need to personally attend to specialized medical councils, to ensure reduction in hardship and speed up the procedures. Treatment decisions at the expense of the state are through hospitals affiliated with the ministry and university hospitals, in addition to contracting with private and private hospitals, associations, institutions and civil action organizations, with the aim of providing service to the most needy groups.
For his part, Dr. Mohamed Zidan explained , Head of the Central Administration for Medical Medicine and Director of Specialized Medical Councils Administration, that obtaining treatment at the expense of the state requires the patient’s approach to the nearest hospital to conduct the necessary examinations, then edit & quot; the report of the Tripartite Committee & quot; after that the patient’s data is registered on the electronic network of specialized medical councils , The identity card is accompanied by the report of the Triple Committee, reports and modern medical examinations, without any financial burdens on the patient. Issuing the decision, the patient is notified via a text message on his mobile phone so that he can go to the hospital to receive the prescribed therapeutic service, explaining that patients benefiting from the health insurance system are not included in the treatment decisions at the state expense.
He added that it is possible to inquire about Treatment decisions at the expense of the state through the electronic portal of the Ministry of Health.