The Ministry of Health and Population announced that the governance and internal audit teams implemented a morning and evening traffic on hospitals, health units, and primary care centers, starting from the holy month of Ramadan, in implementation of the directives of Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population. Medical for citizens of quality during the month of Ramadan, to ensure the regularity of work, in an effort to communicate directly with citizens, raise the efficiency of medical facilities, and take immediate corrective measures at the head of work. And 437 health units and a medical center, with a goal of & nbsp; Monitor any insufficiency in the level of medical service, take immediate actions, and complete corrective measures at the job. A vacant family in the care unit, and in coordination with a care consultant, two cases of reception were placed. The team continued its tour in Cairo Governorate by passing on clinics & laquo; together & raquo; And you notice a malfunction in the Autoklav device in the sterilization department, and it was repaired by the company during traffic, as the team lost the Al -Mahrousa Center for Primary Health Care & Raquo; It was found that the children’s follow -up room was not activated, and it was activated by the Motherhood and Childhood Administration. & nbsp; He drew & laquo; Abdul Ghaffar & raquo; Until the team’s passage on Beheira Governorate targeted Itai El -Baroud Hospital, and during the traffic the emergency vehicle was completed in the CPR room, by providing CVC children during traffic. & laquo; Abdul Ghaffar & Raquo; The team completed its tour in Beheira Governorate by passing through the Hospital & Laquo, Damanhur Teaching & Raquo; And you notice the increase in absence rates between the medical team in the sections (premature infant specialist, and the kidney department) during work time, and the absentees were transferred immediately, and the Hospital & Laquo; Mahmoudiyah & Raquo; The supply of deficiencies from some varieties of medicines during traffic. During the traffic, it was found that the microscope for the unit laboratory had been disrupted a month ago, in addition to a defect in a cylinder & nbsp; Emergency oxygen despite its fullness, and contacted with the director of the health department, in Hosh Issa, and the cylinder and the microscope repair & rlm; only, as the team lost & laquo; Shapur Health Unit & RAKUO; The empty oxygen cylinders have been changed. The team’s passage on Qaliubiya Governorate included a hospital & laquo; Banha fever & raquo; A leak in the air line was discovered within the care unit, the maintenance official was called and the gas company official was informed of the speed of repair, and the team also inspected the Hospital & Laquo Hospital; During the inspection, a condition that needs a dialysis session was monitored with care, and the care supervisor was assigned to summon the kidney doctor and kidney nursing to start the session during traffic. That by passing on & laquo hospital, Benha Teaching & Raquo; It was found that there is no delivery book and a delivery of the drug custody, in addition to the presence of medical supplies inside it (central catheter, sugar complaints, Guanti box), as he found a sick file and was not delivered to the medical record room, and the report of the proof of a case and transferring the negligent was edited for investigation. The reception was broken, and an alternative shock device was brought from another hospital at the job.