
Head of health care and a global pharmaceutical company that follows cooperation projects to provide oncology and biological treatments

Dr. Ahmed Al -Sobky, Chairman of the General Authority for Health Care, met the General Supervisor of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Project, with Dr. Sameh Al -Bagouri, Chairman of a Board of Directors of a International Medicines Company, to follow up on cooperation projects between the two sides in the fields of providing oncology and biological treatments and the localization of industry. For the recipient of the service to exchange scientific discussions, enhance continuous medical education, and expand training and scientific research programs, with the aim of developing the skills of medical cadres and improving health services provided to customers with comprehensive health insurance. Kidney transplant centers through specialized training programs for doctors and specialists, while the meeting touched on combating antibiotic resistance by implementing joint studies to monitor bacterial resistance patterns, and apply programs to rationalize the use of antibiotics within hospitals, as well as support scientific research in this field. Educational initiatives for the recipients of the service about the correct and safe use of medicines, and the importance of prevention and early detection of diseases, which contributes to improving the quality of health life for citizens. Monthly, which reflects the development of the authority’s digital infrastructure, and enhances the efficiency of health services provided to the beneficiaries. The Authority during the coming period, in a way that contributes to improving the opportunities for patients to reach modern treatments, and promoting innovation in the health care sector in Egypt. Director of the Department of Studies and Research, Dr. Radwa Abdel -Azim, member of the technical office and the oncology file in the technical office of the head of the authority, Dr. Umniah Antar, Partnership and Business Development Officer. The company.

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