Governors review the reconciliation position and efforts to control markets and secure the availability of various commodities

The Governor of Cairo reviews a report on the organization and activities of the World Urban Forum
During the Board of Governors meeting today, headed by Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Chairman The Council of Ministers, the governors presented the executive procedures regarding a number of files.
The governors began with the measures they are taking to implement the reconciliation law in general, and what is related to changing the activity in particular for medical clinics, A large portion of which are operated as medical clinics in units that were originally licensed for residential purposes. Their comments were also reviewed regarding the complaints raised by some doctors.
The governors also reviewed their efforts in It relates to controlling markets and ensuring the availability of various commodities, especially the measures taken regarding the availability of table eggs, and the meetings that took place with farmers regarding receiving eggs from them and then selling them at prices appropriate to the citizen, with the aim of eliminating intermediary links, in addition to efforts to restore the operation of farms.
During the meeting, the importance of the system of spatial variables and the outputs that arrive from this system to each governorate was emphasized, as these outputs are used to deal with any attempted encroachments on Agricultural lands.
The governors also presented procedures for caring for and developing livestock in each governorate, in a way that contributes to providing meat at reasonable prices, especially since it will be displayed in outlets. spread throughout each governorate, to ensure its access to various citizens.
Also during the meeting, Dr. Ibrahim Saber, Governor of Cairo, presented a report on the organization and activities of the World Urban Forum, reviewing the preparations. that took place before the forum, the activities of Cairo Urban Week, the activities held in the city, and the most important meetings and seminars that took place in the forum.
And within the framework Preparations before the forum was held, the governor indicated that the forum had been promoted in the streets and roads, as well as raising the efficiency of the roads leading to the forum and the airport, landscaping, and providing logistics by enhancing equipped, environmentally friendly means of transportation, as well as preparing operating rooms 24 hours a day to follow up on the forum. And work to provide all facilities for the comfort of guests and visitors.
With regard to the activities of Cairo Urban Week, Dr. Ibrahim Saber explained that It included a bicycle marathon, and the opening ceremony of the “Civilized Market Space in the Asmarat region,” pointing out that it is a project carried out in partnership between Cairo Governorate and Habitat, and it is a model of partnership in order to raise the quality of life provided to citizens. It also aims to create public spaces and spaces for the residents of Asmarat, to create a sustainable impact that contributes In creating a cultural, social, and recreational life In the region.
The governor added that the activities of Cairo Urban Week also included receiving several delegations from the guests of the World Urban Forum in the city of Asmarat, and holding a conference on the quality of life in urban and urban areas.
The governor presented the most prominent events that accompanied the twelfth edition of the World Urban Forum in Cairo, noting that it included the opening of Andalusia Park, with the participation of Mrs. “Ana Claudia.” Rossbach" Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations “Habitat” program, where the opening witnessed the organization of an exhibition of crafts and traditional handicrafts in the park, which included a number of exhibitors and producers from the “Hands of Egypt” platform project.
This is in addition to a visit to the village of Al-Fawakhir, where the history of the Fustat region was explained to the guests, and they were introduced to the craft of Al-Fawakhir, which is considered the oldest handicraft in the world, as well as He explained the history of the village and the advantages of its presence in one of the important tourist areas, near the shrines of Al-Bayt and the Museum of Civilizations. A tour was also organized during which the guests saw how pottery is made by hand, and they expressed their admiration for the products on display and were keen to acquire some of them.
The activities also included hosting a number of delegations participating in the forum in Al-Azhar Park, which represents a model of partnership with civil society institutions. It is an example of cultural transformation, as it has become one of the important tourist attractions and an outlet for the citizens of Cairo, with a trip to Al-Moez Street organized to learn about Egyptian heritage and folklore, and inviting them to attend a ceremony in the castle’s palace that included various and distinctive artistic performances.
Dr. Ibrahim Saber also discussed the most important meetings and seminars that took place within the forum, pointing out that these meetings witnessed the presentation of the Egyptian experience in dealing with slums, as well as in solving the problem of Traffic congestion and infrastructure development. Memorandums of understanding were also reached with many countries, in areas including: training on capital management, and information network centres.