
General Supervisor on "National for persons with disabilities" It holds a meeting with a number of experts

The necessity of representing women with disabilities in various strategies because it is an essential pillar in building societies

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"Color:#27ae60;"> I was directed to prepare a comprehensive guide for services provided to persons with disabilities with the aim of unifying information and increasing awareness among service providers and beneficiaries & nbsp;

& nbsp; Disability, in meeting with a number of experts to discuss and study all issues and challenges related to women with disabilities, this comes within the framework of preparing the national disability strategy (2025-2030).

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The meeting was held in the presence At the Ministry of Justice, Dr. Mona & Nbsp; Researcher in the General Administration for the Issue of Strategies at the Information and Decision Support Center in the Council of Ministers, Professor here Mohamed Abdullah, the Economic Researcher at the Center, Professor Osama Samir, Director General of the General Administration of Credit in the Customs Authority of the Ministry of Finance, and Professor Hanan Sayed, Director of the Personal Exemption Department at the Customs Authority, and Dr. Dlela Fouad, head of the Human Rights Unit and Director General of Follow -up The evaluation of the Ministry of Finance, Professor Mohamed Saih, Director General of Business Development at the National Authority for Social Insurance, Dr. Amir Nathan, mentioned the Director General of the Security and Justice Budgets Sector at the Ministry of Finance, Professor Sharifa Masoud, Executive Director of the Educational Corporation for Early Intervention and Capacity Building, and Dr. Umniah Muhammad Assistant teacher at the Department of Photography at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Helwan University, and Professor Shaima Mohamed With my channel & nbsp; on Sport and DMC, and Dr. Ahmed Shaltout, the internal audit and governance official of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities.

& nbsp; Civilizations for mothers with disabilities in their places of work, compensatory bodies, health care and reproductive health for them, as well as the meeting reviewed early detection of disabilities, the importance of early intervention to reduce disability, and the challenges facing women’s marriage with mental disabilities, & nbsp; emphasizing the need for legal and health awareness to them, and work to protect their rights in inheritance and enhance legal support for them, and the meeting dealt with devices The compensatory and the assumes of the blind needed for them, and the empowerment of working women with disabilities politically and socially and in the places of work, and the meeting touched on the challenges facing the implementation of the law of the rights of persons with disabilities No. (10) of 2018.

& nbsp; Various strategies because they are an essential pillar in building societies, and civilizations offer, noting that nations rise with the help of all their children.

& nbsp; In a press release issued by the council, since she assumed the presidency of the council, she put the file of women with disabilities at the top of the council’s priorities, and worked to include them in all various programs and projects, and their own initiatives were launched as an initiative & quot; my family Qati & quot; Nationalism, this comes out of the council’s belief in the important role of women with disabilities in Egyptian society, and its various contributions in all aspects of life.

& nbsp; It was directed to prepare a comprehensive guide for services provided to persons with disabilities, with the aim of unifying information, and increasing awareness among service providers and beneficiaries alike, which facilitates access to rights, and ensures the implementation of the Law of Rights of Persons with Disabilities No. (10) of 2018 in a practical and effective way, by clarifying how to apply its materials in various sectors.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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