
Former ‘Minister for Fashion’ Julie Bishop is dealt a disappointing blow after nabbing top job at the Australian National University

Staff at Australian National University (ANU) have passed a no confidence vote in Chancellor Julie Bishop and Vice-Chancellor Professor Genevieve Bell.

Ms Bishop – the country’s trailblazing ex-foreign minister who earned the unofficial nickname of Minister of Fashion for her numerous gala appearances – was the first female to take on the top job at the university when she took over the role in 2020. 

But the position is now under a cloud, according to National Tertiary Education Union ACT secretary, Dr Lachlan Clohesy, after more than 800 of the university’s 4200 staff participated in the vote, with 95 per cent supporting the no confidence motion.

Dr Clohesy said the ANU Council must deliberate on whether the two top roles will need to be reappointed following the vote. 

Since taking on the job, Ms Bishop – who is not paid for her efforts –  has been bogged down in the university’s financial problems.

The institution is battling a $250million budget hole, which has threatened to put a large number of jobs and courses put on the chopping block, much to the union’s ire.

More to follow. 

The National Tertiary Education Union said Ms Bishop’s role is under a cloud after the vote. Ms Bishop is seen with Jackie O at last year’s Australian Fashion Week

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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