
For the second time .. Al -Azhar Al -Sharif offers one of his students to lead the worshipers with Tarawih prayer

In the interest of Al -Azhar Al -Sharif to encourage his students from the memorizers of the Holy Qur’an and the development of their talents, the student Ahmed Sami Moawad Ramadan, a student in the third secondary literary grade, at the Al -Kom Red Preparatory Secondary Institute for Boys, presented today, Monday, to lead the worshipers in the Al -Azhar Mosque, in the first six rak’ahs of Tarawih prayers for the twenty -fifth night of the nights of the blessed month of Ramadan, where he recited the narration of Imam Al -Basri. Juma, a member of the Qur’an Review Committee, which is what I qualified to join the General Administration of the Holy Quran Affairs team in the Al -Azhar Institutes Sector for the Holy Qur’an, readings and recordings, and he also recorded part of the Qur’an of Al -Azhar students of the Holy Qur’an. Al -Fadil, which was the approval of the worshipers and the audience of social media who praised his mastery of recitation and the quality of his performance.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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