A former Mormon has shared a little known fact about what happens behind closed doors.
OnlyFans creator Kari Keone, who was in the church in the ’90s, gave insight into the undergarments worn by Mormons – which she dubbed ‘magic underwear’ – as well as the strict rules surrounding them.
The garments are formally known as ‘temple garments,’ and feature ancient symbols embroidered into the fabric.
‘I got married super young — at age 22 — and we lived with my Mormon mother-in-law and father-in-law for a bit because my husband had some debt we were paying off,’ Kari posted to X, formerly known as Twitter.
‘I accidentally touched his dad’s magic underwear doing laundry and his mom cut the runes out of it and burned them in the backyard,’ she shared.
She explained that the underwear set – which are made up of a white top and matching shorts designed to be worn under clothing – have special religious markings on them sometimes known as ‘runes,’ which his mom removed after the incident.
‘One cool factoid about the magic underwear is that you’re never supposed to take it off. This includes sex. You’re supposed to have sex with the underwear on at all times.’
As per the Latter-day Saints website, temple garments should be treated in the same way as religious vestments of other faiths. Ridiculing or making light of sacred clothing is highly offensive to Latter-day Saint.
The garments are formally known as ‘temple garments’, and contain ancient symbols embroidered into the fabric
Since the 1840s, male and female Mormons alike have worn special sacred temple garments – a set of boxer brief-style shorts and a matching T-shirt that are kept on under the clothes day and night – while working, exercising, and even sleeping.
The undergarments symbolize Mormons’ commitment to the church and its teachings.
In 2021, some Mormon women spoke to the New York Times about the garments, describing the itchy synthetic fabric, uncomfortably pinching waistbands, and fabric that doesn’t breathe — which can lead to yeast infections — as problems that need to be rectified, but admitted that some are too embarrassed to discuss the issue with male leaders.
‘People are scared to be brutally honest, to say: “This isn’t working for me. It isn’t bringing me closer to Christ, it’s giving me UTIs,”‘ one woman explained.
‘To church members, the modest temple garment, worn under normal clothing, along with the symbolic vestments worn during temple worship, represent the sacred and personal aspect of their relationship with God and their commitment to live good, honorable lives,’ the church explained in an informational video released in 2014.
Because they are meant to be worn all the time in place of traditional underwear, church members own several pairs.
Ex-Mormons often take to social media to share their experiences of living in a Mormon household.
Content creator Alyssa Grenfell, who regularly shares tidbits from her Mormon life, has also touched on the modesty standards for Mormon men and women.

OnlyFans creator Kari Keone, who was in the church in the ’90s, gave some insight into the undergarments worn by Mormons, which she dubbed ‘magic underwear’ – and the bizarre rules surrounding them

Kari explained she accidentally touched her husband’s magic underwear doing laundry and his mom cut the runes out of it and burned them in the backyard
In a video shared to YouTube in 2024, she explained that people who are fully active in the church are expected to wear religious underwear called garments that cover the sleeve and go to the knee.
She said this is both for modesty, and that they’re considered sacred religious garments.
Alyssa also shared that tank tops – or anything that shows your shoulders – and bikinis were strictly off limits, as well as body modifications like piercings and tattoos.
‘I didn’t wear my first bikini until I think I was 26 or 27,’ she revealed. ‘And even after I left I still kind of mentally had a hard time just committing to wearing a bikini.’
While the standard for women’s appearance is often heavily discussed, Alyssa outlined the standards for men as well, which include shorts down to the knee, no rolled sleeves, a specific haircut, and limited or preferably no facial hair.