The United Nations celebrates today, World Wet Land Day , which is allocated to him on February 2 of each year, and this year is launched under the slogan & quot; Wet land protection for our joint future & quot; /Span>
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and the United Nations explained that One & nbsp; out of every 8 people on the livelihoods provided by different wet land sources such as food, water supply, transportation and entertainment. /Span>
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Research also shows that the landscapes of wetlands positively affect mental health, and wetlands protect 60% of people along the coasts from storms, hurricanes and tsunami waves. span>
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The United Nations indicated that for the year 2025, as it is held, as the 15th Parties Conference of Wet Lands is held in the summer during the period between 23 & ndash; July 31, in Zimbabwe, and in this conference- which is held every 3 years- the signed parties will meet the wetlands agreement to agree on a three-year plan to preserve and defend these environmental systems. /Span>
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The United Nations explained that Wet lands are environmental systems where water is the main factor that controls the environment and the bound and animal life associated with it. >
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The widespread definition of wet lands includes fresh water, marine and coastal ecosystems such as lakes, rivers, groundwater warehouses, swamps, wet grassy lands, peat lands, oases, rivers, Delta, tidal and carrots, mangrove trees, other coastal areas, coral reefs, human activities sites Of the aquariums, rice fields, cabinets, and salt ponds."RTL"> & nbsp;
World Wet Land Day h2>
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The United Nations explained that wetlands cover 6 percent of the surface of the earth, and despite that, 40 percent of all kinds of plants and animals live or multiply in wetlands. span>
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and because the biological diversity of wetlands is important for our health, our food supplies, tourism and jobs, wetlands are vital for humans, other environmental systems and our climate, as they provide basic environmental systems such as water regulation, including flood control and water purification. Span>
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and more than a billion people are dependent on all over the world – that is, about one in eight people – on wetlands to earn their lives. >
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The United Nations referred to The risks that threaten wetlands , as wetlands are among the ecosystems that are exposed to the highest rates of decline, loss and deterioration, and it is expected that the indicators of the current negative trends in global biological diversity and ecosystems are continuing due to direct and indirect causes such as rapid human population growth, production and consumption other than Candidates and the associated technology development, in addition to the negative effects of climate change. >
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The wetlands are lost three times faster than the forests, as well as it is one of the most vulnerable environmental systems on the ground. In only 50 years – since 1970 -& & nbsp; 35 percent of wetlands in the world have been lost in the world. ."RTL"> One of the human activities that leads to the loss of wetland drainage and drilling for agriculture, construction, pollution, overfishing, excessive exploitation of resources and climate change. /span>
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This vicious circle of wetland loss and threatening livelihoods and exacerbation of poverty is all as a result of looking at wetlands as barren lands and not live sources that provide job opportunities, gain and basic environmental systems services, and therefore one of the main challenges is to change mentalities with Governments and societies urge to value and pay attention to wetlands."RTL"> & nbsp;
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