Egypt embraces the second international conference of stroke and interventional cerebral catheter

Egypt hosts the second international conference for stroke and interventional cerebral catheterization, & quot; Middle East and North Africa Conference on Bureau and Cerebral Catheter Next. The world specialists, the head of the global brains organization & nbsp; the president of the organization & nbsp; European & nbsp; for the brain squad & nbsp; the Secretary of the Association Fund & American & nbsp; for the vessels & nbsp; brain and catheter & nbsp; Middle East & nbsp; for stroke & nbsp; Diseases of brain vessels and interventional cerebral catheterization to attend the second international conference, pointing out that the conference will discuss the causes and methods of treating strokes, as the stroke affects one in every 4 people, as it is the first reason for disability at the world level and the third cause of death, indicating that Egypt suffers from 300 thousand cases of a brain rail annually and needs to make 60 thousand cases of treatment with treatment Annually.
the conference president added, that the conference will witness a distinguished presence at the international level, pointing out that the conference & nbsp; Maqam in cooperation with the MENA-SO organization headed by Adel Al-Hazani from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and under the supervision of & nbsp; Health, as well as a live broadcast from Australia, France and the United States of America. And a professor of brain and nerves in Ain Shams Medicine, & nbsp; To the keenness of the organizing committee, that the conference be distinguished in all its pillars, so that Egypt will assume its position as a regional center, whether at the Arab or African level & nbsp; For training and education in this difficult specialization.