Education sends a letter to the educational directorates regarding organizing the October exams

In order for the Ministry of Education and Technical Education to ensure the regularity of the educational process, it sent a letter to the educational directorates regarding organizing the work of the October examinations for the academic year 2024/2025.
The Ministry clarified that with regard to the basic education stage in its two cycles Primary and middle school, and in light of what was stated in Ministerial Resolutions (136) and (137) of 2024 regarding the study and evaluation system for primary and middle school students, all directorates, departments and schools must commit to preparing the October exams at the educational administration level through the first subject prompt for all schools. (Official – Official Languages - Private).
The Ministry also indicated that the first subject instructor implements three exam models that are delivered to the educational administration for distribution to schools, so that there are three models of the subject within one class, provided that the exam is In the second period of the school day at a rate of half a period or a period according to the relative weight of each subject and according to the specifications of the examination paper.
The Ministry confirmed that a committee will be formed headed by the Director General of Public Education and the membership of directors of educational departments, general guidance, and directors. The directorate’s stages are to supervise the entire examination process, and the exams are to be held in the last week of October according to a unified schedule determined by the directorate, taking into account all official holidays, in addition to the first and second grades of primary school being evaluated by the subject teacher within the classroom.
As for the work of the October examinations for the academic year 2024/2025 for the first and second grades of general secondary school, the Ministry indicated that in light of what was stated in Ministerial Resolution No. (138) of 2024 regarding the study and evaluation system for students of the general secondary level, all students must Educational directorates, administrations, and schools are committed to preparing the October exams for the first and second grades of general secondary school at the educational administration level through the first subject prompt in accordance with Circular No. (49) dated 11/21/2022.
The Ministry indicated that the examination paper includes (85%) multiple choice questions and (15%) essay questions on the parts of the course that were taught during the month, so that the examinations are taken on paper for students of the first year of general secondary school in (official) schools. Official Languages - Private – Services) according to the technical specifications of the examination paper, where the first instructor for each subject makes three examination forms that are submitted to the school administration for printing.
The Ministry added that for the students of the second year of general secondary school who received devices The tablet and their schools are connected to the Internet. They perform multiple choice questions electronically and essay questions on paper. The essay question paper is delivered at the beginning of the exam time as was the practice last year. In the event of any technical problem in any subject, the exam is taken on paper for that subject at the same time. The exam. As for students who are in schools that are not connected to the Internet, or students who did not receive tablets in schools with an Internet network (private – services), or students who lost their tablet (broken – stolen), their exam will be taken on paper, provided that the paper exam is the same as the electronic exam. .