Dr. Al-Hudhud: Taking in the meanings of texts without understanding them…the most important causes of intellectual extremism

Dr. said. Ibrahim Al-Hodhud, scientific advisor to the International Organization of Al-Azhar Graduates, former president of Al-Azhar University, said that there are those who think that adhering to the apparent meaning of the texts is merely an increase in piety and following, and sees the error of those who disagree with him, believes that he is an innovator, and believes himself to be more of a follower of the Prophet and more keen on the Sunnah than others. Contrary to it, and this is a big mistake, which led to the emergence of extremist extremist groups, which declare everyone who disagrees with them to be infidels.
The scientific advisor to the organization stressed that the diligent person must know the reason that motivates the ruling, and this necessitates the necessity of possessing the tools of science, in order to be able to The correct understanding of religion, explaining that one of the reasons for promoting misconceptions is the presence of those who lack knowledge of these sciences, and take the apparent meanings of the texts, and make them contrary to their meaning, so these people began to innovate and deem others to be unbelievers, claiming to adhere to the Qur’an and Sunnah.
This came during a lecture: “Correcting misconceptions,” within the activities of the course: “Deconstructing Extremist Ideology,” which is held by the International Organization of Al-Azhar Graduates in Cairo, in cooperation with the Al-Azhar International Academy for Training Imams, Preachers, and Fatwa Researchers, for a number of imams and preachers in Somalia. p>
During the lecture, Dr. Al-Hodhud reviewed examples of misunderstanding and interpretation of texts other than what they intended and their truth, as a result of ignorance, narrowness of thought, lack of mastery of the language, and other reasons, explaining that whoever stops at the word without understanding Researching the connotations of the language and its meanings led to misguidance and error, and this leads to extremism and misunderstanding, as mastery of the Arabic language is one of the tools for correct understanding.
In conclusion, the trainees They must be completely wary of these pretenders, who want to spread their destructive ideology, which paves the way for spreading division and disagreement among the people of one nation. [٢٢/‏١٠, ٤:٤٦ م] +20 1228859312: *"Al-Azhar graduates" Participates in the “Islamic Research” publications exhibition*
Today, the International Organization of Al-Azhar Graduates participated in the activities of the Islamic Research Academy Publications Book Fair, which was held at the College of Islamic and Arab Studies for Girls, in cooperation with the Al-Azhar International Academy for Training Imams, Preachers and Fatwa Researchers, which continues until the end of this week.
The opening was attended by: A. D. Abdel Dayem Naseer, Secretary-General of the Organization, Advisor to His Eminence the Grand Imam, A. Dr. Muhammad Al-Mahrasawi, President of Al-Azhar International Academy for Training Imams, Preachers and Fatwa Researchers, A. D. Wafa Ghoneimi, Vice Dean of the College of Islamic and Arab Studies for Girls, for Education and Student Affairs.
The exhibition included a large number of the complex’s various publications, which develop religious culture and work to expand scientific and cultural awareness.
  The organization’s participation in this exhibition is part of its efforts to encourage students to read and learn about all aspects of culture and thought. To expand their awareness and hone their talents, while facilitating their access to sources of knowledge at the lowest costs The exhibition included huge discounts on the prices of books and publications.