Dr. Abdel -Moneim Fouad: Sincerity is the spirit of worship .. Paypiece without sincerity has no value

Dr. Abdel Moneim Fouad, the general supervisor of the scientific corridors of the Al -Azhar Mosque, studied Tarawih today, Friday, speaking about the importance of sincerity and his role in accepting works, stressing that sincerity is a prerequisite in accepting works, indicating that the worship that satisfies God is the one that is pure for his Almighty face, and he does not seek behind it except the pleasure of God, explaining that God Almighty has called for sincerity in many verses & nbsp; From it, and they are commanded except to worship God, who have been saved by religion, and they will establish prayers, and they will pay zakat ۚ and that is the debt of the debt. & nbsp; The general supervisor of the scientific corridors of the Al -Azhar Mosque affirmed that sincerity is the spirit of worship, and worship without sincerity has no value, so every believer must evoke sincerity to God and avoid hypocrisy, so if there is no sincerity in our acts of worship and our actions and in our movements all went in vain. It is not all for God, there is no value to him, but he is a mind over its owner and it is a reason for his misery. Al -Sharif, and includes: Quranic readers, advocacy forums after the prayers, scientific lessons between Tarawih, Tahajjud prayers in the last ten days, organizing daily breakfast tables for expatriate students, in addition to celebrations of Ramadan occasions, within the framework of the advocacy and awareness role that Al -Azhar is playing to spread legal sciences and consolidate tolerant Islamic values.