Dozens of crows in an affluent L.A. neighborhood have been killed. Residents are now worried they might be next

Los Angeles police have been responding to reports of crows being shot from trees in one of the city’s affluent neighborhoods.

On March 8, officers were notified of “shots heard” in Westchester. When they arrived on scene at Chase Avenue, neighbors told them they’d heard multiple shots and observed three crows dead and one wounded bird in a yard.

Police observed the three dead birds during an initial visit but did not locate any dead animals or suspects in a second, a police spokesperson told The Independent. No bullet casings were located and there is no direct evidence of shots being fired. The witnesses did not see a firearm, police said, and there hasn’t been a cause of death determined for the birds.

Officers logged an animal cruelty report and animal regulations responded for a wounded bird.

A resident transported the wounded animal to the California Wildlife Center in Calabasas for treatment.

A group of neighborhood residents told the Los Angeles Times that dozens of birds in the area have been shot and they are concerned for the birds and their well-being. The slayings have occurred for several years, residents said.

A spokesperson for the Los Angeles Police Department said officials did not observe any dead animals during their response (Getty Images)

The shootings are uncharacteristic for the neighborhood with a median home price of $1.7m. Westchester also has a lower crime rate compared to the rest of the city.

Brenna Lenoir, who lives in the area, said the shootings initially began months apart but have become more frequent.

“It always follows the same pattern: You hear pop, pop, pop or you hear a gun fire, a crow gets hit, and then you just hear the crows go wild,” she told The Times.

She suspects 100 birds have been killed in the area. At least two of the birds were hawks, she said. Anyone found guilty of killing a hawk could be charged with a federal offense and hit with a $15,000 fine.

Other residents described the mystery shooter as a menace to the community. One resident said he’s worried for the local children. The shooter shot a bird during a birthday party once, causing birds to fall from the sky as children played in a front yard.

Diana George told the paper: ““It’s not like it’s an active shooter with a gun that’s shooting people, but it still makes me scared.

“I’ve been walking my dog, and I’ll hear a bullet go whiz right by my head, and I duck and I’m scared it’s going to hit me in the head.

“You don’t know when he’s going to strike. It’s terrifying.”

The residents are now working together to install cameras in the area with the aim of catching the culprit.

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  • Source of information and images “independent”

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