Health and Wellness

Doctor reveals intriguing reason why he eats 56 eggs a week – after man transforms body with 1000 egg diet

A gym-loving doctor has unveiled the unusual diet that keeps his muscles strong and defined, while providing enough energy to see him through long, painstaking shifts. 

Dr Sermed Mezher a 32-year-old GP and influencer who has 294,000 followers on TikTok, revealed that he has long consumed a whopping total of 56 eggs a week — around eight a day. 

The muscly medic has followed this unusual way of eating for a while, having worked out exactly how much protein he needs to reach a certain muscle mass, and maintain it. 

Conscious of the fat content in eggs, he chooses to eat the whites — but includes one yolk in his daily intake, in order to get his fill of vitamins.

‘Egg yolks still have a lot of very useful vitamins and cholesterol inside as well so that’s why I keep one whole egg,’ he told The Telegraph.  Said vitamins include D, A and B12.

The father-of-one eats his entire daily egg count at breakfast, in the form of a hefty omlette. 

‘I start every day of the week with an omelette made with eight egg whites, one egg yolk, some spinach and mozzarella. It sounds like a lot of eggs — in fact if you count it up it’s 56 egg whites a week,’ he said. 

‘After breakfast, at about 5.30am, I head to the gym which is a five-minute drive away’.

Dr Sermed Mezher a 32-year-old GP and influencer who has 294,000 followers on TikTok shared his daily routine — from 5am wake ups and work out sessions to eating a colossal amount of eggs

The doctor eats 56 eggs a week by eating seven egg whites and one whole egg in his morning omelette

The doctor eats 56 eggs a week by eating seven egg whites and one whole egg in his morning omelette

Eggs are low fat, high protein food that is also high in vital iron and omega-3 fatty acids. 

They are also relatively low in calories — there are about 66 calories in a medium sized egg, along with around 6.4g of protein; more than a 10th of a man’s recommended intake.

Dr Mezher’s morning omelette contains more than 50g of protein, accounting for all the protein he needs for an entire day.

The menu for the remainder of the day consists of yet more protein — firstly in the form of shakes. 

‘I’m currently in my muscle maintenance phase, so I’m neither trying to put on any muscle or to lose weight,’ he said. 

‘I choose whey protein isolate over normal whey, which lots of people use in protein shakes, because it contains an extra four grams of protein.’

Then there’s chicken bruschetta for lunch, and either beef salad or salmon soup with potatoes for dinner.  


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 ‘I like to indulge in a snack every few days,’ he said. ‘At 8pm I’ll either have a bag of salt and vinegar McCoys or my healthier alternative which is my chia seed pudding.’

He admits, however, that his diet is unusual and not for everyone.

I wouldn’t advise that every person has the exact same diet I have. Because I train quite hard in the gym, I need to support my exercise routines and gym goals. I don’t think most people would need as much protein.’

Dr Mezher is not the only one attempting to hack their health by eating a huge amount of eggs. 

Fitness enthusiast Joseph Everett, who lives in Tokyo, Japan, recently revealed how he slashed blood fats and boosted his muscle power with a stomach-churning diet of 30 eggs a day.

Before starting the experiment, Mr Everett measured his starting weight and his performance of four exercises — barbell lifts, a deadlift, squats and a bench press.

He also had blood tests completed before and after the month to measure other aspects of his health, such as testosterone production and cholesterol levels.

He gained a substantial 13lbs (6kg) of muscle mass from his starting weight of 78kg (about 12 stone), by the end of the experiment.

His fitness performance also improved, with him being able to lift up 20kg (44lbs) more than when he started.

Surprisingly, his blood work showed no notable increase in levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol — the type that builds up around blood vessels and that can lead to serious heart problems — but a jump in good cholesterol said to help remove the bad type from the blood.

What is more, results also showed a drop in a dangerous type of fat in the blood called triglycerides — which is linked to a high risk of stroke and heart attacks.

Research previously revealed that eggs contain high levels of cholesterol that could lead to heart problems, which prompted experts to suggest people should only eat four eggs a week. 

But more recent research suggests moderate egg consumption, about one per day, alongside a varied diet, does not increase the risk of heart disease.

Studies have also now shown some foods that are high in cholesterol do not necessarily increase levels of the fatty substance in the blood. 

Experts now do not put a limit on the number of eggs that should be eaten a day and say they are fine to eat as long as they are eaten alongside a healthy and balanced diet. 

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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