Disturbing jail update emerges about Ivan Milat’s twisted nephew who murdered his friend with an axe in the Belanglo State Forest

The nephew of serial killer Ivan Milat has taken up a sinister new hobby in jail that has even the most hardened criminals worried.
Matthew Milat, 32, who is serving 43 years for the brutal axe murder of his school friend, is passing time studying witchcraft and wizardry and believes he can cast spells, a reformed former inmate has claimed.
Milat’s behaviour is considered so bizarre that his cellmate at Lithgow Correctional Centre, west of the NSW Blue Mountains, has been forced to call prison officers during the night for help.
‘I don’t know how, but at Lithgow prison library – which holds maximum security inmates – he has found a book on how to do witchcraft, and spells – wizardry,’ said one-time prison gang leader Nathan Paddison, who was incarcerated alongside Milat.
‘His cellmate woke up in the morning to see Matthew laying in a circle that he has made. The witchcraft book is sitting there and there are symbols drawn on papers laying around.’
In 2010, Milat and his friend, Cohen Klein, lured their childhood friend David Auchterlonie to the Belanglo State Forest, New South Wales, the same place Ivan Milat buried seven victims in the 1990s.
Milat and Klein murdered Auchterlonie using a double-bladed axe on what was his 17th birthday.
The pair, then aged 17 and 18, recorded a video of their sickening crime and kept the vision as a keepsake of the killing.
Matthew Milat – the great-nephew of Australia’s most notorious serial killer – believes he is a wizard who can cast spells in jail, a former inmate has claimed

Matthew boasted about his connection to Ivan and his crimes mirrored those of his infamous relative – including a killing in NSW’s notorious Belanglo State Forest
At the time the court heard Milat ‘gloated’ about the killing the next day, and said ‘you know me, you know my family. You know the last name Milat, I did what they do.’
Milat was jailed for 43 years with a non-parole period of 30 years, while Klein was jailed for up to 32 years with a minimum sentence of 22 years.
According to Paddison, Milat was struggling with his long sentence which in turn led him to satanic worship and an obsession with the 1996 teen witch movie, The Craft.
‘In the movie they look in the mirror and when they look long enough the reflection moves and talks back to them.
‘He was there for hours, just staring into that mirror waiting for it move. His cellmate called for help and Mathew was taken to hospital,
‘Later the rumour was he took 300 muscle relaxants which he saved up and he told people he was trying to “get into the zone”.’
While Paddison admits he never saw Milat’s apparent shrine set up, it was all anyone was talking about for weeks.
‘The Screws, they talk, the boys asked “what’s in there,” and the Screws said they found all sorts of witchcraft symbols,’ he said.

Milat’s cellmate was forced to call the prison guards after he woke to find a circle of witchcraft and wizard symbols

Matthew Milat killed his victim in Belanglo State Forest the same place Ivan buried his

Matthew watched The Craft movie in jail and became obsessed with staring into the mirror like the characters from the movie

Nathan Paddison was incarcerated with Milat and now uses social media and YouTube to talk about his time in jail
Paddison, who has spent 13 years in jail for various offences ranging from fraud to violent crimes, said that inmates are wary of Milat because he is a ‘brown nose,’ and will do anything for anyone if asked.
‘There was a guy in there, a white power member who had a birthday and (Milat) makes him a watch with a swastika on it,’ he said.
‘He was trying to get in with him. He is always trying to brown nose people. He is very very nice, overly friendly, overly nice.
‘But you don’t know what they are thinking when they are up there at night.’
Paddison, now a well-known Sydney artist, runs a popular YouTube channel, PaddoTube where he talks openly about his past and time in jail.
The Matthew Milat case was tragic, he said.
‘I feel for the families, all the families involved with this one — it’s a pretty sad case if you think about it, that he did it to his mate on his birthday.
‘Picked him up from his house and he just never went home, just an ordinary kid.’