Dr. Abla Al -Alfi, Deputy Minister of Health for Population and Family Development, inspected the primary health unit in Saqqara of the Badrashin Administration in Giza Governorate on a surprise visit, within the framework of the first stage of the urgent plan to improve population characteristics and human development.
This comes In implementation of the directives of Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population, in an effort to communicate directly with citizens, raise the efficiency of medical facilities and provide quality medical service, and enhance the role of primary health care centers to obtain the medical service in the governorates.
I explain Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman of the Ministry of Health and Population, said that Dr. Abla Al -Alfi confirmed & nbsp; During its inspection of the unit on the need to adhere to directing the beneficiaries within the unit to the family counseling room and early childhood to register and obtain advice, within the framework of the course approved by the Ministry to obtain services within the initial health care units, to ensure the family benefit from the services of the family counseling room and achieve the urgent plan goals and in Introduction to the care of mother and child health.
He said & quot; Abdul Ghaffar & quot; The deputy minister inspected the vaccination clinic in the unit, and stressed the need to direct the hesitation to the counseling rooms to make them aware and obtain accurate data on each case that contributes to the care of the child’s health, & nbsp; It recommended that a training program for service providers to ensure the accuracy of the child’s data registration and follow -up of his growth during each visit. Dr. Abla Al -Alfi discussed the Family Development Clinic team within the unit in the basis of advice for beneficiaries, and the medical team recommended the need to discuss women, and to correct their misconceptions about the means of long -term family planning, to ensure reduced unplanned pregnancy rates and integration between service providers to provide support to the beneficiaries And emphasizing the importance of human rights separation between the successive pregnancy from 3 to 5 years as the basis for improving population characteristics.
& quot; Abdul Ghaffar & quot; So that it is through & nbsp; Follow -up to work in the unit recommended & nbsp; The Deputy Minister, with the commitment to register all the required data in the record of the frequencies on the various rooms with the utmost accuracy to ensure the follow -up of cases, especially the child’s growth and development data to track signs of danger that requires the transfer of the child to the specialized clinic for nutrition or early detection of the delay in the development and development of the child.
He continued & quot; Abdul Ghaffar & quot; That & nbsp; Dr. Abla Al -Alfi held a coordination meeting with & nbsp; Dr. Amal Rushdi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Giza, Undersecretary of the Health Affairs Directorate and the Director of the Badrashin Administration, to emphasize the implementation of the axis of developing the primary health care centers in the urgent plan, stressing that the ministry seeks to be the initial care units as a development center for families through family counseling rooms and women’s clubs and networking with the relevant ministries & nbsp ; And national councils and civil societies, to integrate family development efforts.
& nbsp; And he mentioned & quot; Abdul Ghaffar & quot; To recommend & nbsp; During the meeting with the necessity & nbsp; The application of the service of providing the service, starting with the beneficiaries entering the unit and guiding them to the places of providing the service, and raising the efficiency of the unit by sending a list of needs, and the need to provide places to wait for the frequencies on the unit, especially the vaccination room that witnessed crowding and crowds of citizens. The service to prepare the training programs required to enhance their efficiency and emphasize the accuracy of registration and internal and external follow -up, as well as improving the medical service and following up the pregnancy and completing the follow -up course from the unit to birth in the hospital, then follow -up to the postpartum in the unit.
and continued & quot; Abdul Ghaffar & quot; The Deputy Minister concluded & nbsp; Her speech & nbsp; Certainly the need to improve the image of the primary health care service by communicating with the beneficiaries to raise the citizen satisfaction rates and encourage him to continue to follow up on the health unit and introduce them to the services provided in health units and measure frequency rates.
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