Curator of Islamic Research: The radiance of the Prophet after the mission illuminated the path for humanity

Today, Wednesday, Al-Azhar Mosque held the weekly forum on the biography of the Prophet, and the forum revolved around his perjury, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and the radiances of prophecy, in the presence of Professor Dr. Muhammad Al-Jundi, Secretary-General of the Islamic Research Academy, and Professor Dr. Sayyed Balat, former professor and head of the Department of History and Islamic Civilization at Al-Azhar University. And Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Sayyid Helles, Director of Religious Affairs at Al-Azhar Mosque.
The Secretary-General of the Islamic Research Academy said that the radiance of prophecy was stipulated The Holy Qur’an. The Qur’an described the Prophet as light and described him as an illuminating lamp, and from the first moment he came into existence, the Prophet was a light, adding that the Prophet accepted a mission that made him love solitude, and in solitude he was cut off from people and turned to God Almighty, and by solitude he did not mean severance from life. But the exit from darkness into light, until the mission came and our honorable Prophet brought people out of ignorance, darkness, and wolfishness to peace, forgiveness, and guidance.
The Secretary General of the Islamic Research Academy explained that the prophetic radiance after The mission illuminated for humanity the path towards forgiveness, guidance and peace, so that people found from him, peace and blessings of God be upon him, peace, mercy and great pardon. Therefore, we must acknowledge that we are a fortunate nation. Great is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that prophet who cared for his nation and removed from them the darkness of poverty and hunger and eliminated ego among them, so that the nation lived under his noble breath in harmony and peace, after it had been an unjust society in which the strong ate the weak, so it seems that the prophet taught us how to love him. One day he cried for us, longing to meet us, until we saw him in our hearts, so we imitated his influence, and his radiance in us extended to Today.
For his part, Dr. Sayyid Balat explained that the wisdom of God – the Almighty – necessitated preserving whoever he chose for the message and intention, so God – Glory be to Him – the Almighty – protected his Prophet from his inception, so he preserved him. First, on the moral and moral level, and he prepared him in a way that is not like other human beings, explaining that whoever God protects him, he will protect him from anything that degrades his status among his peers, just as Our noble Prophet preserved his beliefs before the message, so it has never been proven that the Prophet prostrated to an idol or went around it asking for something, but rather he was broken by the nature of God Almighty.
His Eminence explained that the Prophet moved after To what is known as the precursors, which are the things that happen to the prophets before their mission, pointing out that the Prophet of God Jesus had given good news of the mission of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, as it was mentioned that the Prophet would not pass by a tree or stone without saying, “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God,” and other precursors that people witnessed and witnessed. before the mission, indicating that the Prophet after that entered the stage of renunciation or renunciation, both of which mean worship, so the Prophet of Mercy used to worship before The mission in the Cave of Hira on countless nights until the revelation came, and His Eminence pointed out that the Messenger used to worship before Islam with the worship of contemplation and contemplation and what remained of the religion of Abraham, the Hanifa. He used to contemplate and say, “Who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them,” and he had within him the conviction that the One who created them was a powerful God.
The “Forum of the Prophet’s Biography” is held On Wednesday of every week, in the Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Mosque, under the patronage of His Eminence the Grand Imam Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, and under the guidance of His Eminence Dr. Muhammad Al-Duwaini, Undersecretary of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, and the supervision of Dr. Abdel Moneim Fouad, General Supervisor of the Al-Azhar Corridor, and Dr. Hani. Odeh, Director General of Al-Azhar Mosque, where he was called "Suspicions and Responses" It was changed to the Al-Azhar Forum for Contemporary Issues, after its success throughout the month of Ramadan, which was held daily after Tarawih prayers. This forum addresses in each episode an issue of concern to society, the nation, and the Arab and Islamic worlds.