"Breastfeeding" A legal and medical vision at the Jurisprudence Forum at Al-Azhar Mosque.. next Monday

Within the framework of the directives of His Eminence the Grand Imam Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Al-Azhar Mosque will hold, on Monday, the third jurisprudential forum entitled “A Contemporary Vision” Al-Azhar Mosque, which discusses the topic “Breastfeeding between Sharia and Medicine.” The forum will combine the Sharia perspective, which defines Islamic principles about breastfeeding, and the medical perspective, which reviews the health and scientific aspects related to it, to provide integrated visions that keep pace with the needs of contemporary society.
The forum will host: Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Siddiq, Vice President of Al-Azhar University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and Prof. Dr. Ali Mahdi, Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Islamic and Arab Studies in Cairo and a member of the main Fatwa Committee at Al-Azhar Mosque, and the dialogue is moderated by Dr. Hani Odeh Awad, Director General of Al-Azhar Mosque.
Dr. confirmed. Abdel Moneim Fouad, General Supervisor of Al-Azhar’s corridors, said that the forum is an important platform for deepening cooperation between jurists and doctors, and reflects Al-Azhar’s efforts in providing integrated solutions in line with the Islamic religion and the challenges of the times. He also pointed out that this forum is part of a series of activities aimed at spreading public awareness about contemporary issues.
For his part, Dr. Hani Odeh noted that the forum is an important step towards enhancing societal awareness about the importance of jurisprudential and medical issues, stressing the necessity of building a society aware of the importance of preserving Sharia values in light of medical developments.
He added: Breastfeeding is considered one of the basic rights of the child in Islam, and its importance is emphasized in strengthening family ties and providing proper nutrition for the infant, which reflects the religion’s interest in the child’s health and development.