Bobby Farrelly’s ‘Dear Santa’ Starring Jack Black Unveils Trailer, Paramount+ Premiere Date

Add another new title to the list of holiday films to check out this winter.
After an extended wait, Paramount Pictures has unveiled the first trailer for their comedy Dear Santareteaming Jack Black with director Peter Farrelly, announcing that the film will become available for streaming on Paramount+ and on digital November 25.
In Dear Santaa young boy mails his Christmas wish list to Santa with one crucial spelling error. Thereafter, a devilish Jack Black arrives to wreak havoc on the holidays.
Ricky Blitt & Peter Farrelly wrote the script from their story conceived with Dan Ewen. Pic’s cast also includes Robert Timothy Smith, Keegan-Michael Key, Brianne Howey, Hayes MacArthur, Post Malone, P.J. Byrne, Jaden Carson Baker, and Kai Cech.
Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly, and Jeremy Kramer produced, with Kevin Barnett, Pete Jones, Gretel Twombly acting as executive producers.
Check out the Dear Santa trailer above.
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