Arriving at 4:25am on Tuesday 20 August, our next Full Moon will be the first Super Moon of a set of four. Because of it’s early morning peak time, it will appear to be full across both the evening of 19 and 20 August.
This Full Moon is no ordinary Full Moon. In addition to being a Super Moon – which occurs when the Moon is a close point to the Earth and therefore appears bigger in the sky – this Full Moon is also a Blue Moon. No, the Moon will not actually turn blue. A Blue Moon has two meanings. It can refer to the second Full Moon to occur inside a calendar month, or it can refer to the third Full Moon inside a season where there are four Full Moons. Both occurrences are rare, hence the idiom “once in a Blue Moon”.
The particular Full Moon falls in the Air sign of Aquarius, the innovator of the zodiac. Aquarian energy can be strong, lending a deeper intensity to what will already be an intense moment. Here is what you need to know about how the Super Blue Moon in Aquarius could impact you.
What does the Super Blue Moon mean for you?
Full Moons are the peak of the Moon Cycle, the energetic crest. It is the moment where the themes of the last few weeks will come to a head. Been having small spats with your partner? Prepare for all the tensions to come to the surface at once. Been feeling down? This is the time for a good cathartic cry. Itching to get out and socialise? Now is the moment to plan a big night out knowing that energy is high and it will be a good one. Full Moons have a habit of intensifying what is already happening in your life, good or bad.
But of course, this is a Super Blue Moon, meaning that the traditional impacts of a Full Moon are even more intense. It can be either exhausting or liberating (or both!) depending on your level of introversion or extroversion. But be ready for a moment of deep illumination, self discovery and emotional intensity.
The influence of Aquarius adds a certain flair and eccentricity into the mix. As always, when the Moon is full, it will fall in the sign that opposes the Sun. In this instance, our Moon is in Aquarius, opposing our Sun in Leo. Oppositional aspects are traditionally seen as hard aspects that can cause tension, particularly for those who have Aquarius or Leo placements in their major three. But oppositional aspects can also offer balance as opposing signs are often a complement for each other. In this case, both Leo and Aquarius pride themselves on individuality and their uniqueness. Here, the influence of the Aquarius Moon balances the “main character” energy of the Sun in Leo and allows us to channel this need to be different into something meaningful. Aquarius loves a special interest, whether it be a hobby like photography, delving deep into a new book fandom or starting a new business on the side. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself with a renewed passion for your niche interests.
The plot thickens when you factor in our four planets in retrograde at this time: Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Mercury are all in the midsts of a backwards spin through the sky. The retrograde periods of Saturn and Pluto are considered to be transformative, teachable moments. Factor in the Aquarius love of dismantling the status quo, and you have a recipe for deeply impactful change. Any change is scary, but know that any change that does come will ultimately be healing. The influence of Aquarius will be felt by our inner selves, so it’s likely the big transformations could be internal. Perhaps a break through in therapy or some strong realisations about your sense of self? Pushing through any discomfort will be necessary for you to evolve. Try to embrace it. The transformative power of this particular alignment of planetary positions does not happen often. Use this to your advantage.
What to watch out for during the Super Blue Moon in August
Aquarius is one of the more complicated signs. This intelligent, free-thinker is not a fan of open displays of emotion. To the point that many think of this sign as emotionally stunted. At the same time, Aquarius can also be horribly stubborn, especially when they’re convinced they’ve landed on the right way to do something.
This is a complex mix to experience through the influence of the Moon which rules our inner selves. A Moon in Aquarius means you can struggle to be honest about your own feelings in an effort to avoid feeling at all – this is not the healthiest attitude to processing emotion. As Full Moons are known to be particularly emotional times, you will need to be extra cognisant of your reactions and moods. Particularly if you have strong Aquarian influences in your natal chart. Bottling up what you feel never served anyone well, so it will be important to consciously process what you feel – lest you emotionally combust!
Bear in mind that we’re also in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde. While Leo and Aquarius as a pair may have you convinced that your way of doing things is objectively the right way, you will need to learn modesty and flexibility. Mercury Retrograde puts pressure on communications and it is easy for things to be taken in the wrong way at this time. Tamper your pride and be willing to listen to other people, particularly those who are older and more experienced than you are. Even if you are convinced you have all the answers, taking the time to listen to the experienced individuals around you can lend new perspectives and contribute to a more well-rounded view. Of course, you don’t have to act on bad advice, but stopping to listen and simply considering that perhaps there is more than one way to think and act will ultimately be for your benefit.
Image: Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash