“Are Registered In Pennsylvania?”: Kamala Harris Mirrors Maya Rudolph In ‘Saturday Night Live” Cold Open

Kamala Harris made a cameo on the Saturday Night Live cold open, sharing some words with the woman who plays her, Maya Rudolph, as she prepared to give her final speech of her campaign.
“I’m just here to remind you, you got this, because you can do something your opponent cannot do: You can open doors,” the real Harris said to Rudolph’s Kamala, making a joke about Donald Trump’s trash truck stunt this past week.
Rudolph’s Kamala then let out a laugh — something that has been the source of Trump’s mockery.
“I don’t really laugh like that, do I?” the real Harris asked.
“Ahhhh…a little bit,” Rudolph’s Kamala responded.
Word that Harris would do a cameo leaked earlier this evening, and became obvious once her campaign pool did a stop in New York and then to Rockefeller Center, arriving around 8 p.m. ET.
Harris’ appearance was the first of a presidential nominee since John McCain made an appearance on the show in 2008, also just days before the election. Nikki Haley was the last presidential candidate to appear, in a cameo earlier this year. Donald Trump’s last appearance was in November, 2015, when he hosted the show in the midst of the Republican primary.
More to come.
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