An American channel: The Lebanese army regains control of the borders and there is no place for illegal weapons

The & LDQUO network mentioned NBC News & rdquo; The American has always been a symbol of the Lebanese army of national unity, but it remained bound by political settlements that made it ineffective & ndash; Especially in the face of Hezbollah’s military superiority, today, however, a new reality reveals: the army confirms its authority, and regains control internally and along the weak borders of Lebanon. Along the eastern border with Syria to the Lebanese army’s commitment to restore sovereignty and end the chaos created by illegal weapons & ndash; On top of which is Hezbollah weapons. Field reports confirm that the army began to tighten control of Hezbollah’s movements, especially in the border areas. The party is no longer able to transfer weapons or individuals freely; Rather, some of its elements were held at the army checkpoints & ndash; A scenario was previously unimaginable, according to the channel. Topics that were previously banned like & quot; legitimacy of the resistance weapon & quot; & Ndash; Not only by civilians but by the military establishment itself. The channel indicated that the decisive thing is that the Lebanese army, which has long been suffering from resources, is now receiving unprecedented international support & ndash; In equipment, training and intelligence & ndash; This enables him to carry out his duties without relying on any & quot; a non -governmental partner & quot; In protecting the homeland.