Engineer Tariq Al-Nabrawy, Captain of the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers, opened the second program of the Professional Projects Course (PMP), which comes within the national project adopted by the Syndicate to train 10,000 engineers in groups. He expressed his happiness with the Syndicate’s completion of its arrangement for this huge training program, with full support for training 10,000. Engineer during the year 2025.”
The head of the Engineers Syndicate confirmed that this major training program expresses the position and interest of the Engineers Syndicate He appointed a union president, an office body, and a council of young engineers to train them, raise their efficiency, and qualify them for the labor market, stressing that the training program is available to all Egyptian engineers, young and old.
He added: “The union has distinguished training programs.” At a high level, senior experts in the engineering fields lecture, pointing out that training is an essential part of raising the efficiency of engineers. Engineer Tariq Al-Nabrawi confirmed that the union is participating in major issues and challenges, including, for example, the union’s success in this challenge, as it aims to train 10,000 engineers within a year, which is an extremely difficult matter for any other party to achieve, but with solidarity and cooperation, the union’s goal in this will be achieved. This matter will have major repercussions on the training market in Egypt, praising the voluntary efforts of the international coach, Engineer Ahmed Al-Sayed, in this regard. Al-Nabrawi said: “We have many challenges that we face as a union, including the return of engineering education to its old status. He described this challenge as extremely difficult, and the union faces it strongly at all levels, whether it is decisions taken within the union or legal measures that we are taking to ensure the level of education and ensure the level of the engineering profession and its return once again to “Leadership”, calling on the masses of engineers to stand behind their union and support it.
The head of the Engineers Syndicate stressed the aspiration The union calls for the engineering profession to return to its advancement and leadership, and to graduate qualified engineers, and that the union is always ready to accept criticism and receive all opinions and suggestions. In turn, consulting engineer Ahmed Al-Sayed, project management consultant and international lecturer for the program (volunteer), pointed out that there is a simulation platform for “online” tests, and that the lectures will be conducted according to the latest amendments of the Project Management Institute (PMI), pointing out that PMI was established in 1969 in the state of Pennsylvania. The Institute includes the world’s leading experts in project management, noting that every edition of the PMBOK book issued by the Institute cancels the previous edition, while the last two editions of the book, which is the seventh edition, are canceled. It was complementary to the sixth edition and not superseded by it, announcing that in the first months of the beginning of next year it is expected to witness the eighth edition of the book.
"Mr." In his speech to the PMI certification classifications, he explained that the number of the institute’s certificates was eight fields, but since January 2021, their number has become seventeen professional certificates, and that the number of those holding
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