Al -Azhar Al -Sharif held a major celebration at the Al -Azhar Mosque, on the occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the tenth victories of Ramadan, in the presence of the Honorable Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rahman Al -Dawini, the undersecretary of Al -Azhar, Deputy for the His Excellency the Grand Imam, Dr. Ahmed Al -Tayeb, Sheikh of Al -Azhar Al -Sharif, and the virtue of Dr. Osama Al -Azhar Al -Azhar, Dr. Abbas Shoman, Secretary -General of the Senior Scholars Authority, Dr. Ahmed Omar Hashem, a member of the Senior Scholars Authority, and Mr. Mahmoud Al -Sharif, Captain of Al -Ashraf, and Mr. Abdul Hadi Al -Qasabi, Sheikh of the Sufi orders, and Sheikh Ayman Abdel -Ghani, head of the Al -Azhar institutes sector, and a group of senior scholars and officials, in the presence of a heavy presence of Al -Azhar students and the masses of worshipers in the mosque Al -Azhar.
& nbsp; The sons of Egypt have drew the most wonderful championships. God & quot;. The sheikh stood on the pulpit and declared it a war for the sake of God, confirming that whoever dies in it is a martyr, and whoever escapes from it and is capable of it, he is on a division of hypocrisy & raquo;
He added his virtue: & laquo; Egypt Kinana Allah in his land, and the Cana is the quiet of arrows that the knight carries, meaning that Egypt is the depot of power in the Islamic world, and that the Kinana is the power of the knight. We tasted the bitterness of refraction in 1967, then we tasted the sweetness of victory in 1973, and the period between them was very difficult, during which the people of Egypt and Al -Azhar scholars were able to break despair in the souls, and they removed the psychological defeat from the hearts, so they spread everywhere, even in the fields of fighting and camps & raquo;
The poet: & laquo; if the people one day he wanted life, the fate must respond, and the night must be revealed, and the restriction must be broken & raquo;. He explained that the brutal occupier was promoting the legend of his indomitable army, but the truth appeared when the whole world heard the voice of our soldiers chanting & quot; God is great & quot; the illusions of the occupation collapsed, and the Bar Lev line, which they thought fell as a strong fortress, and the heroes of our armed forces, the Zionist occupation army, fell over a cruelty that will remain a stigma in its history Al -Askari. There is no god but God & raquo; and they wrote on their military vehicles & laquo; two eyes that are not touched by the fire: an eye that cried from the fear of God, and Ain is guarding for the sake of God The General of the Council of Senior Scholars, Chairman of the World Organization for Al -Azhar Graduates, for this great victory, stressing that Al -Azhar Al -Sharif was always at the forefront of institutions supporting the homeland in all its battles against invaders and occupiers, and that he had a pivotal role in mobilizing the Egyptians to stand in the face of every aggressor. He brought and supported that they were able to completely eliminate the Egyptian army, and that in the future they would not be able to confront them. Perhaps this suspicion had some justifications, as we were suffered from a severe defeat, and the planes and tanks were bombed before they moved. But in just six years, Egypt was able to rebuild its army again, despite the weak capabilities and lack of resources, and some countries refused to provide us with spare parts for the bridle weapons. The Egyptian army was not only built, but there were guerrilla operations and a war of attrition that weakened the enemy, until the decisive moment came & raquo;
His eminence added: & laquo; But the biggest surprise for the whole world was on the tenth of Ramadan, when the Egyptian forces crossed the Suez Canal in a few hours, and the Barlev line fell not with a nuclear bomb, but rather an unprecedented Egyptian idea: the use of water cannons. The indomitable legend of the army has fallen, and our men liberated a large part of our land, and thanks to their strength and God’s success to them, the enemy was forced to submit to peace, so we prepared our land, and Egypt will remain free and proud until the Day of Resurrection. He explained that Sheikh Hassan Mamoun was the first to call for the use of the oil weapon, and addressed the heads of Arab states, asking them to use this weapon, saying: & laquo; Egypt does not fight Israel alone, but rather addresses the motor aggression supported by America and Britain & raquo; After the sixth of October, the oil weapon was cut off, and this decision had the greatest impact on guarding the victory of the men of the armed forces on the ground. And encourage them. Likewise, Sheikh Muhammad Metwally Al -Shaarawi, who divided the tasks between him and our armed forces, said: & laquo; I am in the letter, and you are with the sword. I am in the book, and you are in the battalions, I am in the tongue, and you are with the teeth & raquo. These are the scholars of Al -Azhar, who have never been abandoned by their patriotism, and they did not sit down from supporting their country & raquo;
At the end of his speech, the virtue of Dr. Abbas Shoman sent a message to the youth, saying: & laquo; the risks are still surrounding us, and our enemies announce their hostility to us openly, and they confirm that they are continuing in their opponents with us, but we thank Our country and our political and military leadership are aware of these challenges, and that our army is always developing and modernizing. I am firmly believed that our army today is stronger than it was in the October War, thanks to God, then thanks to the continuous preparation and permanent modernization & raquo; He concluded his speech by emphasizing that & Laquo; Egypt will remain free and fatherly, God willing, and no one will get from it, who is who was, and whatever he possesses strength, because we have the power of faith, and we trust in the Most Gracious For the Islamic nation, his words carried the meanings of faith and trust in God, and the spirit of victory and pride embodied in the memory of the tenth of Ramadan.
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