Al -Azhar Mosque in Ramadan .. An advocacy and enlightenment beacon to enhance faith values and consolidate moderation

The Al -Azhar Mosque continues to perform its advocacy and enlightenment message during the blessed month of Ramadan, under the patronage of the Grand Imam A./ Ahmed Al -Tayeb, Sheikh of Al -Azhar Al -Sharif, through its various programs that include morning and evening gatherings, Quranic readers, and intellectual seminars, which aim to enhance religious awareness, establish moral values, and link Muslims to the book of God with understanding and manner, in addition to spreading the middle thought The enlightened and facing extremist ideas, in the context of Al -Azhar’s keenness to achieve its mission in building a more coherent and peaceful society.
The Al -Azhar Mosque held a meeting Faith and morals constitute the essence of Islam, and that the relationship between them is an integrated relationship, so there is no real morals without faith, and faith is not complete except by its reflection on behavior, and they explained that societies are based on morals, which are the basis in their renaissance and stability, while their absence leads to chaos and dissolution, as the participants pointed out that the deep faith in the existence of God and his permanent control pushes the person to commitment Community, and stressed that morals are not limited to individual transactions, but rather extend to the trust in work, charity in relations, and commitment to societal responsibilities, which makes them the primary guarantor of the cohesion and prosperity of societies. On the need to adhere to it as a behavior and honesty in life, whether in personal or professional relationships or in the performance of social responsibilities. Under the title & LDQUO; Ramadan and Reform of Hearts & RDQUO; Quranic readers for teaching the Noble Qur’an and Reading Sciences, with the participation of a group of Al -Azhar scholars and the imams of the readings, where these readers are a scientific platform for publishing a correct recitation and intonation, for the benefit of Egyptians and expatriates from different countries of the world, whether through direct presence within the corridors of the Al -Azhar Mosque, or through the digital space, which enhances the role of Al -Azhar in spreading the sciences of the Qur’an and consolidating its middle Islamic identity worldwide.