A tenant turned our house into a nightclub… it will take thousands of dollars to fix what he did

Sometimes the choice between leaving the house and going out is a hard one – but one man’s commitment to do both has left his landlord with a property she doesn’t recognize.

TikTok user Mica posted a shocking video showing the home in Accra, Ghana, explaining it belongs to her mom who renovated it in 2020 before returning to the United States.

However, the family were forced to evict their tenant after discovering he had turned it into a nightclub. 

In shocking videos posted online, Mica showed the sprawling properly before the tenant moved in. The house, which is on a compound in the West African city, featured several rooms and outdoor spaces, however she explained it was a residential building with no intention for it to be used commercially.

‘My mom invested a lot of her retirement money to bring the house from that old school version [into] something that was more modern,’ she explained.

In shocking footage posted online after the family had managed to evict the man, an entire outdoor bar had been built, along with cabanas, temporary walls and even a pool.

‘Early 2021 into 2022 is when this whole debacle was starting,’ Mica said. ‘He told us that he wanted somewhere residential that he could host his business partners when they come into town.

‘We understood that,’ she continued. 

TikTok user Mica posted a shocking video showing the home in Accra, Ghana, explaining it belongs to her mom who renovated it in 2020 before returning to the United States 

‘There was no indication whatsoever about this being a bar, a private club – anything that would commercialize it,’ she said, outraged.

Mica said they started to notice he was making changes about two months into the lease, starting with him repainting the entire house without their knowledge. He had also knocked down an outdoor gazebo and started building a new structure in its place.

‘We had confronted him about the situation,’ she assured viewers. ‘There were various conversations and confrontations that we had with him with regards to all these changes being made.’

Mica said he would not properly answer them or, when he did, would respond by telling the family his renovations are benefiting them and their property. 

‘In order for my mom to get her rent and her return on investment, we were allowing a certain amount of leeway,’ she added. ‘But at the same time, he was going absolutely overboard with it.’

It got to the point where the man had security that would stop them from coming to inspect their home, with Mica explaining how they found out he had turned the house into a swanky club.

‘One, the neighbors told us about the noise complaint,’ she recalled. ‘And two, I had been invited to a soft launch for a local bistro bar by my friend.’

Mica explained she didn’t even have to put the address in to Google Maps, as the name of the lounge came up on the app.

However, the family were forced to evict their tenant after discovering he had turned it into a nightclub

However, the family were forced to evict their tenant after discovering he had turned it into a nightclub 

‘I was like “My mom’s house is in this neighborhood,”‘ she recalled. ‘Low and behold, the bar is my mom’s house.’

At this point, Mica said it was ‘too far gone.’

‘The pool had been put in, an outdoor kitchen had been built – the whole entire compound had been drastically changed.

‘Instead of making a scene – although I did record everything – I told my mom about it and had videos of everything,’ she added.

‘We are a family, and we were trying to rent it out to other families, or people who were family orientated,’ Mica said. ‘We didn’t want to turn this into a commercialized business.’

Mica went on to say they needed him to pay the rent for her mom to get her return on investment on the renovations she did.

Instead, he would give them a portion of the rent to ‘keep them at bay,’ and they would be constantly chasing him up for it.

‘Our biggest fear is that he was doing all these changes to eventually take the house from us,’ she said, noting that as her mom doesn’t live in the US there was concern about what he may do to stop her from getting back in once his lease was up.

Lucky, the family was able to eventually evict him after a two-year-long battle, and they began the process of restoring the house back to what it originally looked like.

Other social media users were appalled by the story, some even chiming in to say they attended events there at some point. 

‘All the money he put in this place. Why the hell did he not just buy his own place?’ one questioned. 

‘So he was making money and couldn’t pay the rent. How can you make this s**t up,’ another astonished user wrote.

‘I went for a food tasting event at this place in 2022 omgg,’ someone wrote. 

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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