Representative Ahmed Abdel -Majid Al -Ahmar, member of the Senate, and the Secretary of the Republican People’s Party in Qena Governorate, submitted a proposal to the desire of the Counselor Abdel Wahab Abdel Razek, Speaker of the Senate, directed by Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health, and Dr. Ali Al -Ghamrawi, Chairman of the Authority The Egyptian medicine, and Dr. Sahar Khairi, director of the National Institute of Nutrition, regarding tightening control over weight loss and treatment centers to face the phenomenon of diabetes injection use with the aim of slimming. Adding that these types of injections are originally used to treat type 2 diabetes because they stimulate the pancreas and control blood sugar levels and reduce its percentage and as a side offer for them work to reduce and burn fat and slow the process of absorbing food in the intestine, which makes a person feel more full and unwilling to eat Food and thus lose weight at a limited time.
& nbsp; Those injections, including severe gastrointestinal disorders, as they greatly affect the extract, causing stool liquidity or contrast to constipation.
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& nbsp; A new study conducted by researchers from Truvina & quot; truceta & quot; It is a healthy data analysis company (having more serious reverse results such as bowel obstruction, gastric paralysis, or pancreatitis between people who took diabetes medications to lose weight & quot;
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and continued: & quot; health damage raised many questions about their damages and the reasons for resorting to them amid official warnings not to use injection & quot; diabetes & quot; In the blood significantly and significantly decrease it in some cases, as it can interfere with some diseases or other drugs.
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& nbsp; The Egyptian Drug Authority stated that the drugs available in the markets are currently their therapeutic purpose for the treatment of diabetics without using them for other purposes. Specific therapeutic uses, and therefore the side effects may be more harmful. To confront the phenomenon of diabetes injection for slimming. The Central Administration of NGOs and Licensing and Dr. Rasha Ziada, Assistant Chairman of the Egyptian Drug Authority and Dr. Sahar Khairi, Director General of the Institute of Nutrition.
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& nbsp; During the discussion, the deputies stressed the seriousness of this phenomenon and the frequent occurrence of serious medical complications for many cases, and the surprise was that the type of injection used in Egypt is not authorized to use slimming.
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& nbsp The committee issued several recommendations, namely the disbursement of injection of sugar treatment used for the purpose of slimming the approved prescription, as well as the speed of issuing the law regulating medical advertisements in coordination between the Supreme Council for Media Regulation and the Egyptian Ministry of Health and the Egyptian Drug Authority, and the speed of issuing the new medical installations law with the tightening of the punishment for therapeutic nutrition centers and Unlicensed obesity. Traffic intensification from the free treatment departments teams in the health directorates and the Egyptian Drug Authority at therapeutic nutrition and obesity treatment centers.