A miracle is something extraordinary that God shows through the prophets as evidence of the truth of their prophecy

Today, Sunday, Al-Azhar Mosque held a weekly forum on interpretation and aspects of Quranic miracles under the title “Manifestations of the Miracle in the Creation of Flies” With the participation of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ibrahim, Professor at the Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, and Prof. Dr. Hosni Al-Talawy, Professor of Rhetoric and Criticism at the Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies in Cairo, the meeting was moderated by Sheikh Ali Habibullah, a researcher at Al-Azhar University, and the presence of a number of researchers and the audience of the forum, among the pioneers of Al-Azhar Mosque.
Dr. Hosni al-Talawi, Professor of Rhetoric and Criticism at Al-Azhar University, said what was stated in the Qur’an. Al-Karim from the hadith about flies: “A general appeal that includes the believer and the non-believer in his saying” “O people”, then the Almighty’s saying: ” A proverb was given. Evidence that this matter is strange and that is why it is called a proverb. The Holy Qur’an did not mention who gave the proverb, so that understanding would direct to the proverb only and focus on it. Then his saying, “So listen to him.” Attention to listen fully to this matter, then the Almighty said " Those whom you call upon other than God will not create a fly even if they gather together for it, and if a fly takes away something from them, they will not rescue it from it. The seeker and the sought are weak. That is, those you worship instead of God will not create anything, not even a “fly.” Even if they gathered together for this matter, they would not be able to do so, indicating that when God Almighty created creation, He granted them attributes and reserved for Himself the Almighty the supernatural qualities that no one of His creation has. Therefore, the miracle is an attribute of God Almighty that He reveals at the hands of the prophets, confirming them, as evidence of the truthfulness of Him. Their shift and that what they brought was from God Almighty And God Almighty.
Dr. explained. Al-Talawi, that the use of the word “will not” In his saying, “They will not create flies.” To confirm the negation in the present and future, Ibn Sidah said in the dictionary "The Arbitrator and the Greatest Ocean" The correct pronunciation is “flies,” and they call it “one,” and it indicates that the miracle challenged these people to create even a single fly, and the verse confirms that if all the scholars gathered together, they would not be able to create a single fly, and the Qur’an doubles its challenge to these people in its saying, “And if the flies rob them of anything.” “They cannot save it from it,” meaning they cannot save this thing from it Flies. “And if a fly takes away something from them, they will not rescue it from it. It is the weakness of the seeker and what is sought”, directed to scholars and specialists in all fields, meaning that these people, despite their proficiency in Their science could not create even a single cell from a fly.” Science later proved that a single fly has seven hundred million cells, and the most modern science has achieved is assembling the components of a cell, but without it having a “soul.”
Dr. Mustafa Ibrahim explained that there are 100,000 species of flies in the world, and each species has an environment that suits it to coexist, and the fly’s life cycle goes through four Stages that begin with the egg, then the larva, then the cocoon, then the fly. The fly contains the same organs found in the human body, and it has a very precise nervous system through which it can smell odors 5 kilometers away, and distinguish between them with high accuracy, even if these odors are on the same level. A depth of 30 meters underground. The fly’s eye has a 360-degree angle, which enables it to see in all directions. Each eye contains four thousand eyes, and each eye contains a nerve cell connected to All of them are in the brain, to achieve accuracy in this small creature’s vision, which makes the image accurate and focused. The science professor added that the eye of the fly alone is sufficient for the challenge, because the eye of flies was created with a great miracle. If we look at one eye and one of the four thousand eyes inside the single eye of the fly, we will find that it contains a group of cells amounting to approximately half a million cells, based on a membrane. From the inside, so that you can distinguish between colors, and the fact that a single eye in a fly contains all of these cells is evidence of the power and greatness of God Almighty, just as the fly includes nerve capillaries. Through it, it receives odors and determines their source and type, and the fly’s wing moves 200 times per second, so if we look at it, we find that it has supports to be strong, in addition to the fact that flies recognize their food through hairs spread over their body parts.
Dr. Mustafa Ibrahim stated that God Almighty granted the fly the ability to determine weather factors, such as wind speed, air temperature, degree of humidity and other factors, through cells spread over The body of the fly, which represents a mobile weather station for this small organism. The fly also has six legs, enabling it to deal with all surfaces, through the pads it sticks to the surfaces. The fly has taste cells that determine the taste of things through the cells in the mouth, and has the ability to excrete Enzymes that help it digest different foods.
For his part, His Eminence Sheikh Habibullah, researcher at Al-Azhar Mosque, said that the The miracle in creating “flies” It indicates the power of God Almighty, and His secrets that He has placed in all His creatures, and that every ability is restricted before the power of God Almighty. If we look today at the sciences and the development and progress they have achieved, and the techniques that man possesses, he will remain powerless before the power of God Almighty.
It is noteworthy that the “Interpretation and Faces of Miracles” Forum Quranic " It is held on Sunday every week in the Al-Azhar Mosque, under the patronage of His Eminence the Grand Imam and under the guidance of His Eminence Dr. Muhammad Al-Duwaini, Undersecretary of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif. The forum aims to highlight the meanings and scientific secrets found in the Holy Qur’an, and hosts an elite group of scholars and specialists.