A leader in the conference appreciates the completion of the October field development project in Suez by PMS Marine Company

Captain Walid Gouda, Assistant Secretary of Greater Cairo for the Congress Party, praised the success of the Petroleum Marine Services Company (PMS), the leading maritime entity affiliated with the Egyptian petroleum sector, in completing the October offshore field development project of the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company (GAPCO).
The Assistant Secretary of the Congress Party confirmed that PMS was able to carry out the work of lowering two marine lines with a diameter of 18 inches at great depths, and connecting Fonts on platforms OCTOBER-C and OCTOBER-H, as well as the OCTOBER-A and OCTOBER-P platforms, using advanced technology and technical expertise by The giant marine unit owned by the company, the barge PMS 12, which specializes in the work of lowering lines and installing marine platforms, confirms that we have giant companies capable of competing with international companies, which have completed the PMS The final stages of connecting the executed lines to the marine platforms, in addition to conducting the necessary tests and final delivery by the PMS MAYO marine units and the PMS 17 barge.
The project aims to maximize the production of the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company. GAPCO crude oil in the October offshore field.
The project reflects the advanced strategy of PMS and its application of the highest standards of quality and safety in all its work.
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It is noteworthy that PMS is achieving great successes in implementing its ongoing projects, which include the Burullus Gas Company’s West Delta Deep Gas Field Development Project, the Petroweb Company’s West Burullus Offshore Field Development Project, in addition to other projects for the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company ( Gupco), such as the North Safa field development project, the Ras Al-Esh southern fields development project in the Gulf of Suez, the GG field development project for the General Petroleum Company, and other projects.