Health and Wellness

Trick or treat! The TOP tips from dentists which people should follow for a healthy Halloween

TOP Halloween dental tips

1. Parents are advised not to let their children eat all their Halloween sweets in one sitting.

2. Children should avoid sweets that can get stuck to teeth.

3. People who hand out treats on Halloween could offer “alternatives such as stickers or playdough”.

4. They should also limit the number of sweets given out to each child.

5. Children should be encouraged to opt for water instead of sugary drinks at Halloween parties.

6. Youngsters should be given a new toothbrush after they finish their treats.

7. Parents should make sure children brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste before going to bed, even if they are tired.

Children should be given stickers instead of sweets at Halloween to save their teeth, according to the nation’s leading dental surgeons. 

The Royal College of Surgeons of England has offered the tips to help children avoid tooth decay ahead of their mass sweet treat collecting later this week. 

Their first top tip which is easier said than done is the avoidance of lollipops and other sticky sweets. 

The public have also been called on to do their part by handing out stickers or playdough instead of sweets.

Dr Charlotte Eckhardt, dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, said: ‘Although we don’t want to be too draconian about one night of festivities, it is a good reminder that this should be regarded as an occasion and not the norm, you want to avoid sugar grazing as that’s more problematic for oral health’. 

Dr Eckhardt added that treats such as lollipops can be particularly problematic as they result in prolonged sugar exposure for children’s teeth to sugar. 

Parents have been given a list of ten tips by the Royal College of Surgeons to help alleviate tooth decay in their kids over Halloween

The RCS pointed out that tooth decay is the leading cause for hospital admissions among children

The RCS pointed out that tooth decay is the leading cause for hospital admissions among children

Parents have been advised to hand out stickers instead of sweets this upcoming Halloween

Parents have been advised to hand out stickers instead of sweets this upcoming Halloween

Tooth decay has been found to be the leading cause for hospital admissions amongst kids in recent years, with parents urged to brush their children's teeth even if they are tired

Tooth decay has been found to be the leading cause for hospital admissions amongst kids in recent years, with parents urged to brush their children’s teeth even if they are tired

Parents have also been advised not to let their children eat all their Halloween sweets in one sitting and for parents to prevent their kids from consuming sweets that can get stuck to teeth. 

The Royal College of Surgeons England added their advise that children should be encouraged to opt for water instead of sugary drinks at Halloween parties. 

They have also asked that youngsters be given a new toothbrush after they finish their treats, with the RCS saying that if it is in a favourite colour or carrying a cartoon character that might entice them to brush even more. 

Parents should make sure children brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste before going to bed, even if they are tired, as this can greatly aid in alleviating tooth decay.

The RCS pointed out that tooth decay is the leading cause for hospital admissions among children, with some 19,381 children aged five to nine in England were admitted to hospital because of tooth decay according to NHS England data in 2023/2024 alone.

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  • Source of information and images “dailymail

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