Our September New Moon arrives early in the month on the 3rd. The Moon will fade from its final waning crescent at exactly 11:55am AEST, so it will appear to be absent from the sky on both the evening of the 2nd and the 3rd.
This New Moon falls in the Earth sign of Virgo, aligning with the Sun in Virgo. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, it comes as we enter the spring months and as we approach the vernal equinox, so it will be an excellent time for manifestations. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll be approaching your autumn or fall equinox, which is also considered to be a suitable time for manifestations. Keep your intentions at the ready, here’s what you need to know.
What to expect from the New Moon in Virgo
The path ahead has cleared, Mercury Retrograde finished up on August 28, allowing us to walk firmly into the rest of Virgo season with steady footing. New Moons bring new beginnings. This is the moment where the previous Moon Cycle and its themes come to a close as we move into the next. It’s a point of renewal, and now we can enter without the whirlwind chaos of a sharp retrograde at our backs.
New Moons in Virgo tend to be particularly potent times refresh. Think of it like an energetic spring clean. Virgo thrives on order and organisation. If there is any sign that will help you achieve your goals and intentions, Virgo is the sign to do it. Of course, intention setting can be done at any time of the month, but generally New Moons (especially Virgo New Moons) are considered particularly auspicious times to manifest for your future.
With both our Sun and Moon in Virgo, prepare to be swathed in Earthy energy. Virgo is ordered, kind, analytical, loyal and always seeks to uplift those around them. This energy can see you more invested in your hobbies, connecting with your community and managing your time well. Virgo can be an inspiring force, one that encourages you to organise and label your spice drawer, do a wardrobe refresh, take that early morning Pilates class or volunteer at a local charity.
But Virgo also pushes towards impossible standards and fosters an overactive mind. It can demand a level of perfection that those around you can feel pressured by. It can also see you turn a small incident into a spiralling mental mess. Ultimately, Virgo is a positive energy when held in balance. But it can easily tip over into overthinking and anxiety if not managed correctly.
How to approach the New Moon
More so than ever, you will need to approach this moment with positive intentions and an organised mindset. Remember, at this time we are also approaching the vernal equinox, which is considered to be the astrological new year, a time of new beginnings, fertility and abundance. You do not want to lean into the wrong energy at this time, as this may be the energy you carry with you into the rest of the year.
As we’ve mentioned, Virgo energy can trigger overthinking and incite anxiety, so you will need to walk a fine line. Allow yourself to be ordered, organised and with fresh new processes, but do not let this spiral into setting standards so high that they’re impossible to achieve. Aiming high is not a bad thing, but don’t construct a situation that sets you up for failure. Remember that if you shoot for the Moon, at worst you fall amongst the stars.
Elsewhere in the sky, we see the Virgo Moon in opposition to Saturn in Pisces. Some may interpret oppositional aspects as conflicting, however they can also offer balance. Saturn is the planet of rules and structure, a perfect match to Virgo. But as Saturn sits in Pisces, this rounds out the rough edges, offering a softness to this combination. While energetically this is a match, Moon and Saturn oppositions can be lonely aspects. We note that the Moon is also squaring off against Jupiter, another aspect said to be a lonely one, and one that can cause problems in relationships. If you find yourself lacking in connection at this time, throw yourself into your community. Cook soup for your local shelter, join a bookclub, attend a networking event. Virgo tends not to be motivated by self interest and instead most enjoys helping those around them, so investing in community will be the perfect salve to heal any discontent.