
The Council of Muslim Elders calls for the promotion of the language of dialogue and coexistence in the face of letters of blindness

The Council of Muslim Elders, headed by His Eminence the Grand Imam, called. D. Ahmed Al -Tayeb, Sheikh of Al -Azhar Al -Sharif, to the need to work to enhance the language of dialogue, tolerance, coexistence and peace, in the face of the speeches of blindness, hatred, extremism, discrimination and Islamophobia. One of the attempts of some of the extremist right groups is to spread a negative stereotype of Islam with the aim of achieving narrow political and partisan interests. Insulting their symbols and religious sanctities. Including: Tours of Dialogue between East and West, International Peace Caravans, the Peace Makers Youth Forum, student dialogues programs for the human brotherhood, and Ramadan missions to various parts of the world. D. Ahmed Al -Tayeb, Sheikh of Al -Azhar Al -Sharif, Chairman of the Council of Muslim Elderly, and His Holiness Pope Francis, Pope of the Catholic Church in Abu Dhabi in 2019, that freedom is a right for every human being: belief, thought, expression and practice, and that pluralism and difference in religion, color, gender, race and language is a wisdom of divine will, God has created human beings on it, and made it a fixed rights, Freedom of difference, criminalizing people’s coercion on a specific religion or a specific culture, or imposing a civilized method that the other does not accept.

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