D. Ahmad Omar Hashem: Fasting is a great worship that God imposed to inform the Muslim, the rank of piety

Dr. Ahmed Omar Hashem, a member of the Council of Senior Scholars in Al -Azhar, affirmed that fasting is a great worship imposed by God Almighty to inform the Muslim in the rank of piety, citing the words of God Almighty: “O you who believe, have the fast for you as the fast is from the one who is the one who has the fast for you. Perhaps you will fear, indicating that this worship is not limited to refraining from food and drink, but its effects extend to the same fasting in the same fasting morals and values that continue to continue throughout his life. God monitors alone, and this observation turns into a permanent behavior in his life, stressing that fasting is a secret worship, and no one can see it except God, so God added it an addition to himself and said in the hadith Qudsi: & laquo; fasting is a paradise, and if it is the day of one of you fasting, then he does not spoil or hide it, so if someone or she has seen him, let him say that I am fasting The bad is paid in what is the best, so if it is between you and between him an enemy, as if he is a guardian of Hamim, indicating that this spirit of pardon and tolerance is what is called by Islam in every time. The eleventh night that the month of Ramadan is not just a specific time for fasting and worship, but rather a practical training course in which the Muslim acquires virtuous values to continue throughout his life, stressing the need to invest the days of the holy month in obedience and distance from sins. The Egyptian soldiers in the October war despite the license by breaking the fast, and some of them say: & quot; we will not break the fast in heaven & quot;, which reflects the spirit of faith and sacrifice that fasting gives to a Muslim, calling on Muslims to benefit from this blessed month in achieving a victory over the soul, striving for passion, and righteousness to obey God.