
Healthcare launches an initiative "Ramadan is healthy for every family" For 2025

The General Authority for Health Care & Nbsp, headed by Dr. Ahmed Al -Sobky, the General Supervisor of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Project, launched the & laquo initiative; Ramadan with health for all the family & raquo; In the governorates of comprehensive health insurance for the year 2025, with the aim of providing comprehensive medical care and health awareness during the blessed month. Al -Mubarak Ramadan to ensure the provision of integrated health services to the beneficiaries. While the implementation of 570 mobile medical teams trained at the highest level to follow up the health status of those with chronic diseases and early detection of diseases and their complications and deal with them supported by mobile cars & nbsp; For 3 main categories of patients, who are patients & laquo; diabetes & raquo; Categories due, and achieving the highest rates of benefit from the initiative. Proper, to coexist with chronic diseases and how to prevent them or reduce their complications throughout the blessed month, while medical consultations as well as feeding for patients are provided in line with their needs and health condition, noting that the initiative provides periodic medical examination services for patients, and the medical team also teaches and training patients on patients to give insulin to their families, and also educate them about the symptoms of high pressure and diabetes in Blood.

& nbsp; It is primarily based on the follow -up of the health status of chronic diseases and the elderly at home, providing the patient with high -quality care, as well as ensuring early detection of disease and ensuring rapid dealing with it and reducing its complications.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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