The Eastern Province Supply Directorate seized 25,536 food packages of unknown origin inside a food store operating without a license during inspection campaigns in Zagazig.
The Directorate of Supply and Internal Trade in the Eastern Province launched a major campaign headed by Engineer Abdul Karim Awadallah, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, accompanied by Ahmed Al-Qawashti, Director of the General Administration of Internal Trade and Commercial Control Inspectors in the Zagazig Center Department. The campaign resulted in the following:
A report No. 36656 of misdemeanors was issued against the owner of a food store, and 264 soft drink shrink wraps were seized, with each shrink wrap containing 24 cans of 250 ml, amounting to 6,336 cans of unknown origin. Also, 400 cartons of tuna were seized, with each carton containing 48 cans weighing 140 grams, with a total quantity of 19,200 cans of tuna. Anonymous.
Report No. 12004 was issued as a misdemeanor in Zagazig for a pharmacy for selling medicines in excess of the prescribed price, circulating medicines not registered with the Pharmaceutical Authority and not authorized for circulation, medicines kept outside the refrigerator at inappropriate temperatures, and a large quantity of medicines was seized. Report No. 36654 is a misdemeanor at the Zagazig Center for a car fuel station for collecting 1,228 liters of diesel, and Report No. 36655 is a misdemeanor at the Zagazig Center against the owner of a stove warehouse for not announcing the prices and distributors and not practicing the activity.