164 laws, 119 questions, and 839 briefing requests…the House of Representatives’ harvest during 2024

With the approval of about 164 new laws, 119 questions, and 839 briefing requests, the House of Representatives continued its legislative, oversight, and political duties during the year 2024 at the same pace of work with which it began its current legislative term during January 2021. With the aim of achieving the highest interest of the state and the citizen; In line with the requirements of the new republic whose rules were established by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. The number of plenary sessions reached 50, with a time of 192 working hours, and the number of speakers reached 533 speakers, with a total number of interventions amounting to about 3,670 interventions.
The first goal of the Council was to form an integrated legislative structure. It achieves its desired goals.. In the year 2024, the Council approved a number of laws amounting to about 164 laws, with a total number of articles amounting to about 1746. Article.
The most prominent laws approved by the Council were the following: The Law on Incentive for Green Hydrogen Production Projects and its Derivatives, the Law Amending Some Provisions of Law No. 139 of 2021 Establishing the Medical Emergency Response Fund, the Law Establishing an Apparatus for Management and Disposal of Recovered and Reserved Funds, the Law Amending Some Provisions of the Social Insurance and Pensions Law promulgated by Law No. 148 of 2019, and the Law Establishing and organizing the Syndicate of Technologists, and a law amending some provisions of Law No. 6 of 2022 promulgating the Unified Public Finance Law and the law accompanying it, The Law on Caring for the Rights of the Elderly, the Law on Granting Public Facilities Commitment to Establish, Manage, Operate and Develop Health Facilities, and the Unified Insurance Law. Economic Law No. 120 of 2008, the Law Amending Some Provisions of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law issued by Law No. 13 of 1968, and the Law Amending Some Provisions of Law No. 177 of 2018 The establishment of Egypt’s Sovereign Fund for Investment and Development, the law establishing the National Council for Education, Research and Innovation, and the law on the asylum of foreigners.
At the level of international agreements, the Council discussed and approved 44 international agreements, all of which were aimed at Developing the places and regions most in need, supporting the national economy, aiming to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development, and consolidating cooperative relations between Egypt and many countries in various countries. aspects.
With regard to oversight performance, the Council discussed – this year – a number of oversight tools directed at many ministers, as 8 ministers attended the Council sessions, and the number of questions reached 119. The number of briefing requests that were discussed in the plenary session reached 839 requests, the number of requests for general discussion reached 50 requests, and the number of suggestions with wishes reached 461. A proposal.
With regard to the activity of the specific committees, the number of meetings held by the specific committees reached about 2,322 meetings with a time of 2,860 hours, and the number of reports prepared by the specific committees reached about 724 reports. 677 reports were discussed in the Council’s plenary session.
The number of briefing requests discussed by the committees was The quality amounted to about 2,115 briefing requests, which were discussed in the presence of executives and members of the government to reach urgent solutions to any problems facing citizens in various fields.
At the level of parliamentary diplomacy, the House of Representatives witnessed during the year 2024 Active activity in parliamentary diplomacy, as Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the House of Representatives, participated, heading parliamentary delegations, in a number of Arab and international parliamentary conferences that included; The Sixth Arab Parliament Conference of Speakers of Arab Councils and Parliaments, the 148th and 149th Assemblies of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Tenth Parliamentary Forum of BRICS countries, and the Twelfth Annual Conference of Speakers of African Parliaments, in addition to the participation of the House of Representatives with parliamentary delegations in the work of a number of specialized international and regional parliamentary conferences.
The Parliamentary Division of the Council continued its active activity in diplomacy. parliamentarism; The House of Representatives was keen to participate, through its representatives, in the meetings of the African Parliament, the Arab Parliament, the Mediterranean Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean, and the Union of Councils of Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. This is to discuss various international and regional issues and challenges, and to enhance cooperation and partnership with the member states of these organizations.
The President of the Council also received – during this year – a number of heads of the legislative councils of sister countries. And friendly, as these meetings discussed aspects of joint cooperation and exchanged visions regarding international and regional issues and concerns.