The Ministry of Health and Population announced the provision of medical and awareness services for 16 thousand and 174 hesitant at the 56th Cairo International Book Fair, since the launch of the exhibition activities, on January 24 until last Saturday evening. & nbsp;
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Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman of the Ministry of Health and Population, explained that the community communication and psychological support teams in the Ministry provided awareness to 6 thousand and 427 & nbsp; A visitor from the exhibition’s pioneers, and the participants in the various cultural activities that are held on the sidelines of the exhibition, foremost of which is the definition of citizens of the importance of mental health, and instilling a culture of recovery from mental disorders and rehabilitation, under the umbrella of the presidential initiative (your health happiness) in addition to health awareness of the frequencies and participants, with precautionary measures To prevent respiratory diseases during the winter, and the services of presidential initiatives & laquo; 100 million health & raquo; In addition to the services of the & laquo; a new beginning for human building & raquo;. To provide medical examination and health education services to 6 thousand and 753 people through 3 mobile clinics, distributed in the exhibition entry corridors, including medical teams in specializations (surgery – teeth – internal Chronic diseases and early detection of renal disorder & raquo; With clinics with emergency medicines, painkillers, and medical and preventive supplies. 2994 visitors received the exhibition, to answer the inquiries of the services provided by the Secretariat, and to provide sessions for psychological consulting & laquo; for free & raquo; Throughout the exhibition period; With the aim of spreading awareness about mental health and treating addiction and services provided, as well as contributing to removing the stigma from psychiatric patients.