112 various food preparations were prepared during food campaigns in Al-Qusiya and Al-Badari centers.

Major General Dr. Hisham Abu Al-Nasr, Governor of Assiut, confirmed the continuation of launching ration campaigns on sectors in centers, neighborhoods, and villages, in coordination between the supply department, the supply investigations, the heads of the centers, and the consumer protection agency, with the aim of tightening control over the markets to provide better services to citizens in implementation of the state plan led by President Abd al-Nasr. Al-Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Republic, for sustainable development in accordance with Egypt’s Vision 2030, pointing out the importance of coordination and cooperation between the concerned authorities such as “supply, supply investigations, heads of centers, the consumer protection agency, supply, health, veterinary medicine, and others,” noting that all legal measures will be taken against violators, and deterring all who He begged himself for commercial exploitation of citizens, and trade on the black market to achieve illegal profits by manipulating prices.
The Governor of Assiut explained that the local unit of the Presidency of the Center and City of Al-Qusiya is headed by Osama Suhaim. The head of the center, carried out a ration campaign on bakeries and public stores with the participation of the Al-Qusiyah Supply Department, led by Sameh Abdel-Al, the director of the department, which resulted in the issuance of 97 various reports, ranging from lack of weight, conduct, cleanliness, specifications, and failure to announce. The local unit of the presidency of the Badari center and city, headed by Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rady, head of the center, in coordination with Ayman Ahmed, Director of the Supply Department in Al-Badari, where the campaign resulted in the issuance of 15 various reports, including (disposal of a quantity of flour, lack of weight, specifications, lack of cleanliness, and failure to spend the flour), noting To intensify surprise inspection campaigns on (markets, bakeries, stove depots, and various sales outlets) to ensure the availability of food commodities, ensure that support reaches those who deserve it, that bakeries adhere to instructions, conform to specifications, and protect the consumer public from commercial fraud.